You've Been Chosen Forever - Part 1

The best news you will ever hear will come from the Word of God, applied by the Spirit of God, designed to transform your life.

You're Sure He's Working For Your Good - Part 3

For believers, there are no permanent tragedies. For non-Christians, there are no permanent triumphs.

You're Sure He's Working For Your Good - Part 2

For believers, there are no permanent tragedies. For non-Christians, there are no permanent triumphs.

You're Sure He's Working For Your Good - Part 1

For believers, there are no permanent tragedies. For non-Christians, there are no permanent triumphs.

You Have Hope In Suffering - Part 3

Don't Minimize the value of suffering. Don't minimize the glory that awaits us. Don't minimize what God did to save us

You Have Hope In Suffering - Part 2

Don't Minimize the value of suffering. Don't minimize the glory that awaits us. Don't minimize what God did to save us

You Have Hope In Suffering - Part 1

Don't Minimize the value of suffering. Don't minimize the glory that awaits us. Don't minimize what God did to save us

You Will Sit Next To The King - Part 4

Salvation is such a huge deal that the entire Trinity is involved. The Holy Spirit leads us, the Father adopts us, and the Son crowns us.

You Will Sit Next To The King - Part 3

Salvation is such a huge deal that the entire Trinity is involved. The Holy Spirit leads us, the Father adopts us, and the Son crowns us.

You Will Sit Next To The King - Part 2

Salvation is such a huge deal that the entire Trinity is involved. The Holy Spirit leads us, the Father adopts us, and the Son crowns us.

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