Do You Have Peace Today

Have you ever noticed how the Apostle Paul starts his letters to the recipients in the Bible? Why is it always "Grace and Peace" and not the other way around?

A Wonderful Life

With so much suffering, how could you possible say that God promises a wonderful life to a believer?

The Character of God

Did you ever have someone question the character of God? How did you respond? How could you respond?

Speaking the Truth in Love

Who is really helped when a pastor fails to tell of truth and consequences for not following it? What needs to happen?

When Fear Sets In

Are you facing turbulence in your life right now? What can you do about it?

The Desires of Your Heart

What does it mean to truly delight yourself in the Lord? What happens when you do?

Accepting His Amazing Grace

Do you ever struggle accepting the Grace of God? What is God's love for you based on?

A New Normal

What do you do when life changes without giving you advanced warning?

How Much More?

How do you see God? Is He the God of "barely enough" or the God of "More than enough"? Dr. Jeff Schreve shares some thoughts on this in today's edition of "Real Hope Minute".

Are You Rich Toward God?

What happened to the farmer who hit the big time? Jesus shared that man's story. What do your treasure and where is it?

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