Word Power

How do you use your tongue;: to build up or to tear down? Is it possible to not realize you really are tearing people down with your words? Dr. Jeff Schreve shares the answer in this edition of "Real Hope Minute".

How Firm a Foundation

What happens when the foundation you're resting on begins to shift or crack? How is Jesus like a firm foundation? Dr. Jeff Schreve shares how in this edition of "Real Hope Minute".

Dirty Diapers Yuck

Have you ever carried around a dirty diaper in your pocket? Perhaps you have without realizing it. Listen to this edition of "Real Hope Minute" with Dr. Jeff Schreve to discover what that stench really could be.

The Kisses of an Enemy

What do you do when a trusted friend stabs you in the back? What do you do when they betray you? In this edition of "Real Hope Minute", Dr. Jeff Schreve gives some advice for you when those times happen.

The Healing Hand of Jesus

Bad things really do happen, but what do you do when they do? In this edition of "Real Hope Minute", Dr. Jeff Schreve shares four things to do at those times.

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