My360 Helper

David Perryman

Dystonia, a dreaded disease. Rejection, even more hurtful. On the next UNSHACKLED! listen as David Perryman overcame many obstacles by the power and love of Jesus Christ.

Frank Novak Classic

Immigrant Frank Novak turns to crime and drunkenness when he comes to America. Find out how he was delivered, on the next UNSHACKLED!

John R. Hand Classic

John runs away from home at 14, goes to Chicago and signs up for a railroad gang working in Texas in the early 1900's. Find out how he quit running, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Jack Crowe

Jack was a tobacco farmer. When his infant daughter and 3-year-old son die of pneumonia he is shaken and tries to find answers. Hear what we found on the next UNSHACKLED!

Carl Hatch

Mental illness is hard to deal with, but there is help and hope. Find out where Carl found it on the next UNSHACKLED!

Dana Pankey Classic

Born in 1901 Dana Pankey grew up on a ranch in New Mexico. He saw many changes in his lifetime, but the most important change came when he came to faith in Jesus Christ. Hear how that happened on the next UNSHACKLED!

Joel Quiones Classic

Crime, drugs, and violence was the lifestyle of Joel Quiones. He needed a change of heart. Hear how that was accomplished on the next UNSHACKLED!

Harland Eastwood Pt 2

Even after becoming a Christian Harland Eastwood experiences rejection by his dad and others. Find out how he responds on the next UNSHACKLED!

Harland Eastwood Pt 1

Harland Eastwood grew up demeaned by his dad. Then his wife rejected and divorced him. He felt hopeless and suicidal. Find out how he found hope, on the next UNSHACKLED!

James Bailie

Growing up in Belfast Northern Ireland James Bailie ran the streets. But Someone was pursuing him. Find out who on the next UNSHACKLED!

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