My360 Helper


Tricia grew up in an abusive home and a false religion. Find out how she was set free, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Tom Knox

After the death of his wife, Tom Knox lost hope. On the next edition of UNSHACKLED!, find out how his hope was restored.

Tom Smith

Anger and alcohol don't mix. Ask Tom Smith. Find out he was made new, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Terry Baxter - Pt 2

Terry and his family faced a trial that often breaks up families. Find out how death brought life-on the next UNSHACKLED!

Terry Baxter

Terry dabbled in the occult, was illiterate, and filled with anger. Find out how he was changed, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Truman Thompson Classic

Truman Thompson knows the "endless night" of alcoholism. Hear how the Light dawned on him, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Sandra Doren

Eating disorders devastate families. Sandra knows this all too well. But she found victory. Find out how, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Alan Sutphen Pt 2

Every christian is gifted by God to serve Him. Find out how Alan and his family serve, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Alan Sutphen

As a boy Alan could have died but was spared. Find out how God delivered him, on the next UNSHACKLED!

Kimberly Pt 2

Cancer is an enemy. On the next UNSHACKLED! hear how Kimberly was victorious, even in her fight with this dreaded disease.

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