The Prayer For Promises Fulfilled

Why does God give us "exceeding and precious promises?" It is so that the believer can trust God specifically and see Him work wonderfully according to His word. It is in seeing the glory of God, howbeit, every so great or small, that inspiration and encouragement flow into the soul. What a wonderful reality that God is greater than all that we see, hear, or think, one that will always keep His promises.

The Constant Creator

God is the only Creator, for He is the only One who speaks and creation comes forth out of nothing. In other words, He is the originator of all matter, and thus the Sustainer. He is also the Creator of every new creature in Christ, for where Christ was not present, or dwelling in the heart and soul, man being dead in sins, Christ came by the Spirit to create a new man by His indwelling by the Spirit.

Living In Expectancy

The believer is such because he lives by faith, but a faith that is singular, and in only one direction. It is wholly fixed in Christ, what He is and what He declares. The one who lives such a life lives a life of expectancy, waiting to see the glory of God, anticipating the Lord's leading and provision for every need. He will not fail nor forsake.

God's Protocol To Power

To know Christ is to begin to know His power working within and through us. It is a power that quickens us, stirs us up, encourages us and exhorts us to rise up and trust Christ for all. What is the key to knowing this power? It is the focus and commitment to full fellowship with Christ, to walk with Him, by Him, and for Him. All becomes possible by the Spirit when we do so.

God's Faithfulness To Sanctify

It is God's work in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. How does this but revealing Himself by the Spirit as we wait upon Him in the study of His word? What then does He do? He sanctifies us, by working in the spirit, soul, and body, to bring about His perfect, transforming work, into the image of Christ. And this He will do if we trust Him.

The Sovereign God Of History

God is the maker and sustainer of all things. Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. Paul writes that all things exist in Christ, are maintained or sustained by Him. So, if He is the beginning and the ending, is He not also all that is in between, the very God of history, HIS STORY? What is true history, but the chronological revelation of God in Christ?

The Perpetual Calling

The calling of God is an eternal one. It begins with the calling of a man to Himself, that he might be cleansed, given a new heart and capacity, to know God. That calling is extended by the revelation of God's will for a person's life. There are no two callings alike, except that all are called to know the depths of fellowship with God the Father, the Son, and all by the Spirit.

The Constant Vision And Calling

What is the greatest vision that a person can have? It is that of Christ in His glory, for it is in beholding Him, that we are changed into His likeness. How then is one to have such a vision? It is in the worship of the Lamb of God, and Christ the King, according to the truth of Scripture, and the revealing power of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives Life, but also anoints our eyes to see the One who IS Life.

Christ Formed In Us

What is true Christianity on this earth but Christ dwelling in the heart and life, and this in fullest measure. It is that knowledge of the Life of Christ, as revealed to the heart and soul by the Spirit, and then, communicated to the world by the Spirit of life in Christ. The truth of the life of Christ dwelling in the life is that fragrance of Christ, and the demonstration of the power of His life.

The Certain Blessed End

What is the end of the righteous man, that man who has put all of his trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to save and keep him? In a word, it is "Life." It is to live, not only for God by wholly by God, for there is the fulness of Christ in the life by the Spirit. The love, joy, and peace of the Spirit of God, is that communicated in its fulness in an through the life of the believer, and this forever. In the presence of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit there is fulness of joy.

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