My360 Helper

The Prayer For The Holy Spirit

The greatest and most essential need of man, in particular sinful man, is for the intervention of God in his life. This is because of the incalculable need of man, and his total incapacity to truly meet that need. Only God can meet the profound needs of men. If there is one message given to us by the Gospel it is that God in Christ WILLS to meet th…read more

The Moving Of The Spirit

God alone can do the work of God in a heart. And this He will do by His Spirit, especially if there is a willingness on the part of the needy soul to hear the word of God, and to trust God according to it. God is faithful to move by His Spirit in answer to prayer and faith in the heart of the one who truly calls upon Him.

The Foundation Of Faith God's Faithfulness

The bedrock of all true faith is Christ. He is declared to be the "foundation," because He is unchanging, and absolute faithful concerning every word that He has given to men. He can be believed and trusted in fully because of His faithfulness. He cannot lie, for He is the truth, and can only speak the truth. Therefore, there is hope and certainty for the lost soul seeking God. Christ will be found by the one who seeks Him with the whole heart.

Much Land To Be Possessed

The Apostle Paul tells us that the Christian life is like a race, where the runner is to run in such a way as to win. He also speaks of limitations in this life, but of great possibilities by the grace of God. Thus, He declares that he is running, seeking to apprehend that for which he has been apprehended by Christ. In this life, he will not fully apprehend all that is in Christ, but there is coming a moment, a day, when all things will be changed. We shall be changed completely, and we shall know Christ as we are known.

And Such Were Some Of You

The lost condition of man, who is born into this world, is a settled reality and fact. Man will remain in this condition, without God and hope in the world, until and unless God intervenes in his life, and this, in answer to the cry of his heart. To the one who calls upon Christ with his whole heart, comes a promise, God will answer. He will meet the eternal need of the soul, because He has loved us and gave Himself on a cross to prove it.

What The Law Cannot Do

Sinful man has limits, terrible limits with respect to keeping the law of God. His limits are so small, that Scripture declares to us that all sinners are lost, cannot obey the law of God, and are without hope in this world...EXCEPT Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has given to mankind His perfect law to reveal the incapacity of man to obey it, and this in order to point us to Christ, and Him alone as our sin bearer, and Savior from sin's penalty.

The Power Of The Mystery

The mystery of God is that hidden from the perception and understanding of man. God has his reasons for declaring certain mysteries, but also, His purposes in revealing them. His objective is to enable man to see that God alone can do the work of God in His time and in His way. The result of the revealing of the mystery is the falling down before Christ, to worship God in Spirit and truth, in full assurance of faith.

The Day Of March Has Come

Clarity in combat is essential to victory. The sound of the trumpet, that voice of God speaking to the believer in Scripture, must be very clear if faith is to lay hold on Christ for the fulfilling of His will and purpose. May God give us ears to hear the sound of His trumpet for this day and time.

Led Certainly By The Spirit

There is no more certain reality than that God desires and will lead His children, His servants, in the way that they should go. He will not fail to do so, for He is our Father, Comforter, and Shepherd, also our Lord and Life. To doubt His guidance is to question the faithfulness of the covenant God, who cannot lie. Thus, the call is to cast our all upon Him, commit all to Him, relying wholly upon Him to lead, guide, and provide.

Leave No Unguarded Place

The spiritual armor of God is complete, given by Christ so that the believer can overcome any, and all of the wiles of the devil. The believer's "tank," or perfect protection is Christ Himself, for in Him is the authority to make the enemy flee. To Christ's church has been a mandate for victory, not by virtue of her own strength and wisdom, but by the Spirit of Christ, for whom nothing is impossible.

Alive But Bound

It is one thing to know something of the liberty in Christ from the domination of sin and Satan. It is quite another to live in the joyful liberty of the love of God, living to worship and serve Christ, the King and our Life. All things are possible by the perfect work of Christ on the cross. How do we know it? Because Scripture tells us that all things are possible to God, to Christ, the power of God in us.

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