The Rest Of Faith

There is a peace, and assurance, which comes when one is resting in God, in Christ, for the accomplishment of His promises, whether it be in the immediate present, or the future. That rest is communicated to the heart of the believer as a confirmation of the believer's faith, acceptable to God, and the revealed faithfulness of God.

The Pattern For Revival

God is very serious about the salvation of men. Otherwise, He would not have given His Son to die on a cross for their salvation. He is also very serious about revival, that pouring forth again of His Spirit, bringing many to Christ to be saved, but also, making His church to live again, and this by the Spirit. Without vibrant faith, and the pursuit of the knowledge of God's ways, how will He fulfill His great desire, and visit His church with certainty? For the one, or the church, who will truly seek Him according to His ways, there will be blessing beyond measure, and the lips and lives of many glorifying God.

The Man Cyrus

King Cyrus of Persia was called, and anointed of God, to accomplish a specific task, one that would begin by a prophecy in Isaiah, and have its conclusion in the finishing of the second temple in Jerusalem over a hundred years later. His specific calling, and the intervention of God to fulfill his vision would be a testimony to the world that there is One God, and He is sovereign in all the earth and heaven.

Loosing The Grip Of The Enemy

The "strong man" whom the Lord Jesus spoke of in the New Testament is that personage, or that group of spirit beings, demons, which seek to do the will of their master Satan, stealing, killing, and destroying. To loose the captive from such, there is a greater power, and authority, that of Christ, who has overcome them all, and now sits "far above" them at the right hand of the Father. He alone in and through His church, by the Spirit, can bind such wickedness, and set the captive free, and giving life to the helpless and hopeless. What a wonderful King and Lord this is, that He should taste death for every man in order to set that man free from sin and death!

God's Singular Foundation

There is but one foundation upon which to build one's life in this world. It is that of Christ. Why? It is first and foremost the "true" foundation, one that is not false and failing. This is so because of Christ who is declared by Scripture as being the "way, the truth, and the life." Secondly, this truth is eternal, never being altered, or changed. Regardless of things seen and not, storms of life, and the times of calm, nothing changes the eternal work of Christ, and the fathomless faithfulness of His person. He IS what He says, and works only, always according to the truth.

The Pursuit Of The Prize of Life

There is a race, a warfare, and walk, a ministry, and a communion to which the believer is called to know, and live. It is all with the objective to know God. The great pursuit of life, regardless of one's calling and gifts is the same, to know Christ, and this, in fullest measure on earth as in heaven. Why? That he might be glorified, and that we might enter in fullest measure into His purposes both now and in eternity.

The Issue Of The Much More

What is the perception of God as opposed to that of man? It is as vast as His thoughts and ways are above those of man, even as the heavens are above the earth. So then, how much more does God desire to be to us, and work in and through us, especially when we see the Prince of Glory dying on Calvary? The answer is simply that which Paul gave: "...beyond what we could ask or think."

The Invitation Of God For Fulness

It is possible to be partially full? When we look at a glass half full of water, we answer that this is possible. But when we look at the Cross, upon which the Prince of Glory died, we do not see the Lamb of God slain partially. He died "fully," completely, and this in order to obtain fullness of acceptance before the Father for everyone who would believe. Would this Christ of salvation desire and will that we, those who have believed in Him, should trust Him for partial fulness, or for the blessed fulness of His life to be revealed in us?

The Christ Of Revelation

The revelation, or unveiling of Christ, in the Scriptures is a progressive one. We see Him in the Old Testament standing and speaking with Abraham, then passing before Moses, God only revealing His glory by shielding Moses from the full sight. Then we see Him in the New Testament, "walking among us full of grace and truth." But in Revelation, we see Him in His glory, coming to save forever, and judge those who would not come and be saved by Him. The increasing revelation is meant to deepen faith, increase our knowledge in worship, and to live by the Spirit in a manner worthy of His wondrous person.

Rivers Of Living Water

There is a "fountain of living water" in the soul, and heart, put there by God, to give life, and to give life to others. It is the Spirit of God, or Christ by the Spirit. But there are also "rivers of living water" in the soul, which expresses not only the constancy of the presence of life by the Spirit, but the fulness, and power of the Spirit of Christ. The believer is called upon to live By the Spirit, but also to be Filled with the Spirit.

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