Joy Cometh In The Morning

Joy is an expression of the elated sentiment and well-being of Christ. The knowledge of it, like the peace of God, passes all understanding. That which we do know about this love of Christ is that it lifts up, strengthens, empowers, and encourages. It is that blessed contentment, rising to its highest expression, in knowing the Father and walking with Him, pleasing Him in all things. Though words are not adequate to express it, this is something of the joy of Christ that He desires and wills to give to the believer.

The Open Door To The World

There is an open door to the world, and it is Christ. He alone is that open door, for He alone was the sinless sacrifice, sent by the Father, to pay the penalty for man's sins. He also is that narrow way, or gate, by which men can know God. His perfect work on Calvary, proving to all mankind that God is love, and yet perfectly just, is the basis for trusting Him fully, believing Him for grace to go through that door, that point of passage, into true fellowship, and knowledge of Himself.

The Great Priorities Of Prayer

There is an order to prayer. It is an order established by the Lord Jesus, and given to men so that they can come with assurance before God, there to lay at His feet that which is upon their hearts. The order begins with worship, that attributing or giving to God the worth and honor that is due Him. He is absolutely worthy of all worship, and this, forever. Then there is the specific petitions of prayer with thanksgiving, for He is faithful to hear when we come to Him by faith.

The Essential Of Daily Bread

Daily bread is essential to live, whether that bread be in the form of physical food, or received as the very word of God, as revealed in the Scriptures. The physical food responds to the temporary needs of the body, a body which will one day cease to live. However, the bread from heaven, that life-giving word of God to the heart and soul, is given by God, and received by faith, so that the very life of Christ by the Spirit should be revealed to the heart and life.

In The Pursuit Of God

The greatest pursuit, or endeavor, that a man can have on this earth is the pursuit of God. It is a pursuit, a concentrated commitment, to not only know about God, knowing certain truths of Him, but KNOWING Him. The experiential knowledge of God goes beyond just the objective truth to knowing His love, faithfulness, goodness, and grace, proving daily His promises, believing Him to reveal Himself to the heart, and through the life to others.

Hope For The Hopeless

There is an eternal hope, and also, one for today. Both have their promise and power for now and eternity. For the believer who needs present grace today to live for Christ, there is the hope, and certainty, of the promise of God's presence, and power by the Spirit...fully sufficient. To the one facing eternity, there is the present assurance by the Spirit of the certainty of being forever with the Lord, knowing His perfect peace and joy.

Three Visits Of Christ

What is God's commitment to mankind but the knowledge of His unchanging ways so that men can come to Him, be cleansed of their sins, and be given a new life in Christ, so that they should glorify God their Creator and Redeemer. His promises are as sure as He is unchangeable. To the one who will truly seek Him His way, by the Lord Jesus Christ, He will surely be found, the proof being born again of the Spirit.

Three Visits Of Christ

After the resurrection, Christ revealed Himself at least three times to His disciples. Every time was intended to bring the disciples to a greater, deeper faith in Him. Whether it meant the removal of barriers to faith, or the encouragement to believe, His objective was to strengthen faith, giving them a greater knowledge of what His will was, and that for which they were trust Him. But such revelations His church would be fed, and the world would hear the glorious gospel with many coming to a saving knowledge in Him.

The Word Of The Lord

What is God's way of dealing with men? It is to speak to them. Why? It is because of the power associated with the word, a power to save, sanctify, and show forth His glory in the individual life. Christ is the living Word, the power of His Life revealed to men that they might live by and for Him. When God speaks there is always a result, one that will always bring glory to His name.

The Essential Element Of Great Blessing

It is one thing to know about the blessing of God, but quite another to experience it. Why is this often the case? And how can one know Christ in a certain, and increasing way? It is first by turning to Him with the whole heart. Is Christ not worthy that we should do so, and trustworthy to fulfill His promises? The blessing of God to men is the will of God, but unbelief and the lack of a true vision of Him, can result in one being unable to receive of Christ's fullness and blessing.

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