The Prayer Of Solomon
Prayer is not a shot in the dark, hoping to hit a target. It is a guided, specific act of faith, followed by an attitude of faith, which will have a definite result because its origin is the Spirit of God. The more one truly relies upon the Spirit, the more one learns to pray according to the will of God, as revealed in the word of God. True is a true work by the Spirit in and through the believer.
The Overcoming Church
The overcoming church is the body of Christ, being filled, and being kept filled, by the Spirit of God, abiding in Christ, and living by faith according to the will of God. The objective Word of God, and the quickening Spirit, work to enable the believer to appropriate Christ, His victory and power. Christ is the overcomer in the church as she trusts Him fully to be such.
The Higher Wisdom Of God
How high is the wisdom of God as compared to men? It is higher than the heavens, and lower than the lowest. Why? Because Christ is God, the One who reveals to us what true worth and wisdom are. It is as we seek Him according to His word, worship Him in Spirit and truth, that we begin to know this love of God, this mind of Christ, meek and lowly.
The Way Back To God
Just as there is a way TO God, there is also a way back to God. Though the Christian is called to follow Christ, and to be perfect as his Heavenly Father is perfect, he will never on this earth live a perfect life. Every sin is a step away from God. To allow sin to accumulate, is to risk wandering far from God. And yet, the Great Shepherd seeks the "wanderer," or even the rebellious. His provision is absolute to find, cleanse, and restore. No one but Christ loves completely like this.
The Impossible Possibility Of Prayer
It has been said that it is as impossible to create a world, as it is to pray without the Holy Spirit. In other words, one cannot truly pray without the Spirit of God. What does this mean? It is as one realizes one's absolute dependence upon God, that by the Spirit, the Lord will lead the believer in prayer, to pray according to the word of God, for the glory of God. The faith that He gives is faith that receives that which has been asked for.
The Importance Of The Word Of God
We forget that the word of God is not like that of man. In fact, the more we fail to see the difference between the two, the more faith will suffer, and wain. The Word of God is the expression of God's heart and mind. Every word is "God-breathed," and living. It is by God's word that faith is born, that strength is given, that life is communicated to us. God's word is as unique as He is, holy and perfect, faithful and true, worthy to be trusted.
The Early Meeting With God
What is it about the early morning hour meeting with God that makes it so precious, and sought after? It is that freshness of His presence, the newness of His living words, and the testimony of His presence as He witnesses with the spirit of the believer. He indeed satisfies us with His mercy in the morning. And He can do so all the day long, if we trust Him.
The Consistent Point Of Reference
There is but one reference point for the existence of man. It is in the Lord Jesus Christ, held up before all men to see on a cross, God demonstrating His justice, and yet, His mercy and grace. The cloud of glory that enshrouds such a sight is the eternal love of God. The One who died on the cross, now seated at the right hand of the Father, IS the living, and perpetual unchanging refence point for life and eternity. He is that everlasting, eternal Rock, where alone faith can stand, sit, and rest.
Obtaining Mercy And Finding Grace
It was once said by a dear, and elderly, man of God, that he thought his greatest sin was that he prayed so little. With the throne of Grace now accessible by the blood of Christ, in the name of Christ, and by the Spirit of God, is it no wonder that our lost opportunity to seek God for His kingdom to come in the lives of men and women, is such a great sin? All has been accomplished on the cross so that we might truly seek and find God, interceding in the behalf of the lost, until the victory of Christ has been manifested in them.
The Unique Work Of The Spirit
The work of the Spirit is unique because it comes and is accomplished uniquely by God. Thus, all that He, the Spirit, does is of a quality, beauty, and worthiness that should only result in the thanksgiving of our hearts. That same work which is accomplished in the believer possesses the same qualities. Thus, every expression of His work is to be given back to God in thanksgiving and praise, for He is worthy.