The Great Eternal Purpose

The purpose of God is revealed to men in a limited measure, simply because man cannot truly take it in. That purpose began in the mind and heart of God before the world began, and it will continue to be manifested and revealed throughout eternity. What is it, this purpose of God? It is the designed and declared revelation of His glory, beauty, holiness, primarily as Christ is revealed in the hearts and lives of men who have come to love Him.

The Day Of Small Things

How is it that God delights to show forth His power and glory in small things? Such is the case with children that praise God for the joy that is in their hearts. Also, He does the wonderful thing with small things, and small beginnings, to demonstrate His soverign power, all the glory being His.

The Almighty God

It is one thing to see God as all powerful, sovereign, and above all. But do we see Him singing...singing for joy to bless wonderfully, eternally, that which He has created and redeemed. How does this relate to Him being Almighty? The answer resides in His power to be good, to do good, and nothing nor anyone can keep Him from it.

Almighty To Save

It is one thing to believe God to work in us the willing and the doing of His good pleasure. It is quite another to trust Him for full salvation, dealing with all that is in us that would hinder fellowship with Him. Christ came to save us, not just for eternity, but today, every day, until we meet Him.

The Seventh Day The Sabbath

The Sabbath, or the seventh day, is designated by God to be one of rest. It is a rest of faith, following the Creator's example, but also, His instruction. It is a day of resting from one's works, a picture of ceasing to seek justification by one's works, and an illustration of relying wholly upon, resting upon Christ alone as one's life. The call to honor the Sabbath, is a call to honor Christ, to worship Him, to " still and know that He is God."

The Desert Shall Rejoice

When God moves in a life, or in a circumstance to bring great blessing, He does so in such a manner to reveal that He alone could accomplish it. How else does a desert rejoice, or a thirsting heart know the blessed relief of living water being received? God is a God of newness, new beginnings. He works to reveal His blessed goodness and life to the one who truly trusts Him.

The Continuing Outpouring Of The Spirit

The day of Pentecost was monumental as it was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel whereby God promised that in the last days, He would pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. This promise is being realized even today, but is only know and experienced by those who truly trust God for the realization of it in their lives. God has not ceased to pour out His Spirit on the one who is thirsty. The question is simply, will that person come to Christ to receive His fulness?

The Basis For Assurance

What is the believer's basis of assurance before God, first to enter into His presence, and then to pray? It is two-fold. First, the blood of Christ is the sinner's only plea before the Holy God. Nothing in heaven nor in earth can guarantee the sinner's access to God except the perfect righteousness and the worth that God the Father puts upon the shed blood of Christ. Secondly, it is as our great High Priest presents His blood to the Father for us, that we KNOW that we are accepted, the Spirit of God witnessing to our spirits that we are not only children of God, but accepted in the Beloved.

For With God Nothing Is Impossible

Why does God delight to do the impossible thing? It is so that man will know that He is God. It is also so that man will learn His way of faith, a faith in the faithfulness of God who will do, and accomplish, His perfect will in His way for His glory.

For This Child I Prayed

Prayer is designed to cover the whole spectrum of life, even in the matter of a child. In the case of Hannah, who was barren, the birth of the child Samuel would be for her, not only an answer to prayer, but the confirmation that God Almighty had done for her great things. He looked on her with favor, and granted her request, one that was singular and whole-hearted. The result was that Samuel would be greatly used of God, and the glory of God revealed.

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