My360 Helper

The Risen

Jesus Christ does for a human being that which no other entity can do. Yet, in spite of all of the preaching that we do, many people fail to take advantage of the great treasure we have in the Messiah. Some Christians do not realize how great a status we have in the LORD Jesus Christ. Please take time to listen to this worship service. Some of you …read more

Such as You Have

Friend, what do you have to offer? Are you aware of what you have to offer? Let's consider some value that you may not have thought of previously.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE. Find out more about Pastor Page HERE  and  More Here
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The Disobedient Preacher

God commands all men every where to repent. It is the obligation of every human being to obey Almighty God. When preachers disobey Almighty God, the result can be much damage and much loss of life.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Decisions at the Intersection

Have you ever stood at an intersection wondering which way to go? In choosing, what process did you use?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Two True Prophets

Almighty God has TRUE prophets, but there are false prophets.

Beware of false prophets!

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Listening for the Word and Waiting for the Wind

Sometimes the solutions to life's challenging situations come only after proper listening and waiting.
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Beyond Pleasant Dreams

We don't really know everything that we don't know, but the Holy Bible insures that we have access to the most important information that we truly need to know.

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

Love in the Fourth Dimension

Love! What is the quality of your love? Is it genuine or is it fake? Is it true or is it false?

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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Value of Biblical Contact

How do you enhance the VALUE of the time that Almighty God gives you? May I make a suggestion? Invest some time in making CONTACT with the Word of Almighty God. The ROI (Return On Investment) will be both AMAZING and MARVELOUS!!!
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *


A person either IS or IS NOT (of God).
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

The Salvation Marathon

The Salvation Marathon! Who are the participants? What are the goals? Where is the folly? Who are the winners?
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You are encouraged to download and save your personal copy of all of Pastor Page's sermons. You are also encouraged to share them with others. Choose additional sermons HERE and HERE. * * * * *

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