My360 Helper

The Father-Child Relationship

It's important to connect with your children. How can this be done?

Turning Hearts

How does your relationship with your own dad impact how you raise your own kids? What skills can be helpful in turning the hearts of fathers to their children?

The Most Important Truth

What is the most important truth to pass onto our children about being a Christian?

Better Than Dad

What happens when we parent in anger?

A Message of Values

Why is it important to spend time with your kids?

Watch Your Words

Do the words we say to our children matter? How do they impact them?

One-on-One Time

How important is it to spend time with your kids?

Love and Discipline

What's the most important thing taught in the scripture about raising children?

Healing Our Hurts

Where do the lies we believe about ourselves and God come from? How can these wounds heal?

Responding to Hurting

What do you say to someone who is hurting? How are we to respond?

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