Crying Wolf

In the fable of the lying Shepherd, he had fun asking his neighbors for help, making them believe that a wolf was attacking him.

True Hope

We’re broken to show our completeness in God. We die to our sin to glorify the Savior. And we walk through death and darkness to reveal His Resurrection.

An Anchor for the Soul

In the chaotic waves of life- hold on to the promises of God as an anchor for your soul.


Have you ever thought about your obligations as a Christian? The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:9, ""Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."


Sometimes we feel damaged, dirty, and unfit. But in my experience, I think it’s when God does His best work


Hiking alone can be dangerous. But, if you have someone with you when something unexpected happens, you have someone to carry you, find help or lighten your load.

Crab Mentality

How do you treat those you see getting ahead- in career, finances, etc. Do you cheer them on or try to bring them down?

Free Couch

Is it generosity to give away something useless, broken and unwanted?


As the body of Christ, there is so much more we can accomplish together than alone.


When your car's tires are out of alignment, they aren't pointed in the same direction. This can be very dangerous. What if your theology doesn't match up with Christ?

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