Have Dominion

In Genesis, what does it mean that we are to "Have Dominion" over the rest of creation?

Free Couch

Is it generosity to give away something useless, broken and unwanted?


Being adopted means you were CHOSEN.

Work for Peace

Did you know that conflicts block communion with God? Matthew 5:9 tells us, ""Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God."

The Cry of the Poor

If you have the opportunity to help someone (especially a stranger), don’t hesitate. And remember Jesus’ words in Matthew chapter 25; “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me”

Valuable Lesson

Maybe this season, God wants to use you to bless someone else but remember, when you do, you will be blessed as well.

Shoe Repair

Is your health, friendships, marriage in need of repair and upgrading?

True Hope

We’re broken to show our completeness in God. We die to our sin to glorify the Savior. And we walk through death and darkness to reveal His Resurrection.


Sometimes we feel damaged, dirty, and unfit. But in my experience, I think it’s when God does His best work

Reflecting God's Image

Are you reflecting the image of God, or are you leading people astray because of what you look like on the inside?

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