
Hiking alone can be dangerous. But, if you have someone with you when something unexpected happens, you have someone to carry you, find help or lighten your load.


When we trust in ourselves instead of trusting in God, we hide, feeling inadequate and as a result of our lack of Faith- fail.

God Knows Your Journey

Are you going through a really tough time right now? God knows your journey and is sending comfort through someone around you.


Have you ever been ghosted by someone you cared about?

God is Worth Believing In

Christians will face many critics over the course of their lifetime. For me- I'd rather be called insane than deny my Heavenly Father.

Crab Mentality

How do you treat those you see getting ahead- in career, finances, etc. Do you cheer them on or try to bring them down?

Free Couch

Is it generosity to give away something useless, broken and unwanted?

Can't Take it With You

Are you prepared for the future? Not like retirement and savings, but your eternal future?

Do You Believe It?

The religious leaders of the time challenged Jesus to prove who He was. Do you need more proof? Or do you believe He is who He says He is?

Apple Trees

In the Bible, Jesus warns about false prophets who appear to have good intentions but are actually- really bad news. He uses a parable of good and bad trees, and He says by their fruit, we’ll recognize them. Our actions and our words are the fruit we produce to those around us.

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