Prayer Before Action

A lot of us like to jump into work and ask questions later. But as believers, how often do we stop and pray about a situation before acting?


Have you ever thought about your obligations as a Christian? The Apostle Paul said in Philippians 4:9, ""Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."


Have you ever had a relationship where you were the one putting in all of the effort? Maybe it was a friendship or a romantic relationship that was very one sided?

Knowing What's Wrong

Anything that we know to be bad, improper, incorrect, and we do it anyway is SIN. Knowing what's wrong changes everything.

Keep Fighting

No matter where you are right now, or how difficult the road may be- God will always be the light that lights your path and will keep you standing.

Internal Struggles

Are you tired? Do you feel like giving up? I get it; each of us is going through an internal struggle we don't tell anyone. But today, I’m asking you not to give up. You and I have a Living God who is always by our side to strengthen us in every trial.

Joy is not Circumstantial

Are you going through some hard times right now? Is it a little tougher to see the good through all of this? We’ve all been there. But if you’ve accepted Christ into your heart, you’ll never go through any trial alone.


Hiking alone can be dangerous. But, if you have someone with you when something unexpected happens, you have someone to carry you, find help or lighten your load.


When we trust in ourselves instead of trusting in God, we hide, feeling inadequate and as a result of our lack of Faith- fail.

God Knows Your Journey

Are you going through a really tough time right now? God knows your journey and is sending comfort through someone around you.

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