Something Greater

Sometimes, through prayer, God may tell us that our current prayer isn't being answered because He has something even greater.

Super You

Many of us only post the "Super Us" versions of ourselves on social media. But God loves you as you are today.


That cup of coffee is not all you're going to need to tackle the day.


Dissonance is a musical term that describes a lack of harmony. Are your actions and identity in harmony?

A Broken Watch

There's a story of a child who didn't listen to his father's request. His guilt and shame caused a separation. But this isn't a new story.

Where is God?

Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”.

Road Rage

Do you have fits or road rage?

The Bright Side of Broken

Life is interesting and complicated and beautiful, and in the midst of the mess is the One who knows everything and loves me anyway.

Problem or Opportunity?

What’s your perspective when faced with a challenge? Does it leave you defeated, or do you see it as an opportunity for God to do something incredible?

Show Up

It’s crucial to show up- in life, period. That’s exactly what God does for us, He shows up in our lives. He showed up in the person of Jesus Christ.

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