Off the Chain

In Christ, we’re God's sons and daughters, not slaves. He draws us in with perfect love, not demands.

He Will Not Waste the Rain

If you are going through a trial, believe that God can work even the toughest situations for the good of those who love Him.

Comfort in the Storm

There are moments in my life now that cause me to fear; but of more serious things. It’s in these moments that I run to my Heavenly Father.

Intuition or Discernment

As we continue to walk with God and learn His voice, our discernment, intuition and decision making will come in line with His will.


Learning to experience joy amid pain requires an ability to live with a certain amount of tension.

Focal Point

Like a work of art, the writers of the New Testament put Jesus as the focal point of their writings. He puts everything else into perspective.

It Doesn't Fit

How many times have you heard someone quoting scripture out of context to support their opinion? This is a dangerous way to study the Word of God

Family Trees

Much like how trees in a forest are connected, we, in the body of Christ are connect too.


How would you introduce yourself to a stranger? Would your occupation be included as part of your identity?

How to Make a Canoe

From the moment you accepted Christ, God has been carving away anything that isn't the new you in Christ.

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