A New Beginning

God could be telling you in this moment to get up and go forward with your dream.

Someone is Waiting

The omnipresence of our Heavenly Father is lived out through us as we allow His Spirit to guide our steps.


God created each of us with a purpose, know wherever you find yourself today, you are loved, and you are God’s masterpiece.

Thermostats and Thermometers

Are you allowing outside influences to impact your mood or are you setting the mood by your actions?


No matter how society views you, God has chosen you to do incredible things for His Kingdom.

Joy Thief

As you search for your own happiness be sure not to be a joy thief to someone else.

Joy Bringers

Make a choice to be a "JOY BRINGER" today in someone's life.

What You Didn't Ask For

Imagine if God said to you, "Ask me what you want and I'll give it to you." What would you ask for?

Something Greater

Sometimes, through prayer, God may tell us that our current prayer isn't being answered because He has something even greater.

Grace Empowers

Grace reminds us that God came into our mess to start His work before we even lifted a finger.

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