My360 Helper


There are some things in this world our minds have a hard time comprehending. Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? Everywhere you look your brain is almost convinced it’s just a picture. The enormous scale is just too much to grasp. Or what about the distance between the Earth and the Moon? Or the size of an atom? Like these incredible examples of scale, we can only imagine a fraction of God’s love. If you’re going through a tough time and struggling to see how God is working in your life- realize that we can barely grasp the size of a mountain let alone the mind of the Creator of the Universe. His love for you is beyond measure. He gave up His throne to become one of us and die in our place. That’s a love beyond comprehension.

The Treat Trap

Geneen Roth has written best-selling books on emotional eating. In an article called “The Treat Trap,” she reminds us that in troubled times sweets seem to offer immediate relief; but unfortunately, their “fix” doesn’t last. The sweetness of chocolate lasts for a mere 30 seconds and after we’ve indulged, the original problem is still there. Then we have an additional problem: the guilt of an unhealthy indulgence on top of the original stressor. Guilty pleasures, even when sweet, ultimately leave a bad taste. If you find yourself looking for unhealthy distractions when you’re dealing with a stressful situation- Avoid the treat trap! Instead of turning to chocolate, why not turn to God?


Learning to play the guitar comes with some pain in the beginning. It takes time to build up calluses on your fingers. Calluses are thick layers of skin that build up over time. And in the case of a guitarist are necessary to properly hold chords without pain. Like a guitarist’s fingertips our hearts can become calloused. Through tough times and trials, some people become bitter. They have a harder time seeing the good in their lives and develop a hardened heart towards God. If this sounds like you, I’m praying you can pause and ask God to soften your heart. Be open to allowing Him to show you all the blessings in your life and how you can bless others. Over time, that calloused heart can learn joy all over again.

Tasting Room

Most tasting rooms in California involve wine, but at Laura Parker’s Taste of Place events in the Bay Area, you’ll find yourself with a glass of…. dirt. The idea is to smell soil from local farms, then eat the produce grown in the same soil so you can see how the aromas in the dirt affect the flavor of the food. During this sampling many have said that you can actually taste the pasture that the goats ate in the cheese made from their milk. How cool? In the Bible, 2nd Corinthians 2:15 says that we should be the aroma of Christ to those who don’t know Him. So, with that in mind- What fragrance does your life emit? Hopefully your “aroma” causes others to discover what the Bible says about the Lord – “taste and see that God is good!”


In the book of Ruth in the Bible, Ruth was a literal outsider. But Naomi felt like an outsider. Although she was a part of God’s family by birth, she felt like she had been abandoned by Him. Do you ever feel like the odd one in a group? Even within your faith? Maybe you’ve sat in a Bible study before and thought “I don’t belong here”. When we compare our lives to others, including within the church, we may feel like an outsider. Maybe it’s your current circumstances. And while everyone else is feeling “hashtag blessed”, your world feels like it’s falling apart. The comparison trap is real. And if we compare ourselves with the version people want you to see of themselves, we will often fall short. In the Bible, Naomi seems cynical, which makes her happy ending even sweeter. When you’re feeling like an outsider, remember that perseverance can lead to a renewed faith. Maybe you need to make some changes like Naomi did. But no matter what, God will remain faithful.

When You Give, You Get

Research shows that we get a “lift” from giving. In fact, MRI studies show that providing for other people activates the brain’s ventral striatum, the region that lights up in response to pleasurable experiences such as seeing an attractive person or winning a prize. Scientists are finding that helping others may be as primal or basic a human pleasure as food. In the book of Acts, the Apostle Paul remembers the words of our Savior. He said; “In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ Well, it turns, He’s right! Do you need a lift today? Why not follow Jesus’ wisdom and give of yourself to someone who is in need?

Few Battles Are Won Alone

What quotes do you often hear that people claim are scripture yet you know otherwise? One that I can’t stand is, “God helps those who help themselves.” Many are surprised to learn that nowhere in the Bible does that appear. In fact, God doesn’t want you to be a solely independent spirit. God often sends others into our lives to help- and… us to help them. In the Bible, 2nd Corinthians, chapter 11, Paul had to depend on others to lower him in a basket to escape outside the city wall. And I imagine it must have been tough for Paul to find enough humility to depend on others. Maybe you have a hard time asking for help. But, God rarely asks us to fly solo. You can depend on others, and more importantly, you can depend on Him!


Our sun gives off more energy in one second than all mankind has produced since creation began. With a diameter of approximately 860,000 miles, the sun could hold one million planets the size of the Earth. The rate at which its energy is emitted is equivalent to the energy coming from a furnace at a temperature of about 10,340 degrees Fahrenheit. This is one magnificent creation that truly, points to an all-powerful Creator God! And friends, His incomparably great power is at work in you! So know this today: if you have the Son spelled with an ‘O,’ you have far more power than the sun that spelled with a ‘U!’

Straining Forward

In the Bible, we find these words written by the Apostle Paul, “…Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.” Too often the Christian life is seen as a passive existence, but these words show that it’s quite the opposite. Our faith should lead us to not just believe but “do”. How is your community better because you’re in it? The old saying that “you may be the only Bible some people read” is still so true. So, let this be an encouragement to find opportunities around you to volunteer, to help your neighbor and be the hands and feet of our Savior as we strain to reach the end of the race.

The Best Sound Possible

When Bose introduced their Acoustic Wave Music System in 1984, Sound & Vision Magazine said that it delivered “possibly the best reproduced sound many people have ever heard.” Since then, we now have companies like Sonos, Denon, and of course Apple, who are constantly striving for the best possible audio. Sound has a tremendous effect on people. This is why in the Bible, in 1st Corinthians 14:7, the Apostle Paul says that we who are Christians are like musical instruments. If we don’t make the right sounds no one will understand what they mean. If you’re a Christian today, you’re announcers, instruments, and sound systems for the Kingdom. Is God happy with the quality of your sound?

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