Must be nice

How often do you find yourself in the comparison trap? Do you ever see someone with a nicer car, bigger house, fancier clothes and think, “must be nice”. But the truth is, we’ve never walked a mile in their shoes- we don’t know the circumstances that brought them to where they are and there will always be someone else looking to you with the same thought- “must be nice to be you too”. How do we release ourselves from these trappings? The Apostle Paul says in Philippians chapter 4, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Rather than the constant stress of keeping up with everyone else- breathe in the peace that Paul describes. Learn to be content.


If you’re a homeowner, when was the last time you replaced your air conditioning filter? AC filters remove harsh chemicals and allergens- making the air safer to breathe. Water filters remove nitrates, bacteria, sodium and heavy metals. We use all kinds of filters in our homes and cars to make them safer for our families. Like these filters, self-examination and repentance help us remove habits and things in our lives that would otherwise cause us harm. Regular, honest and open conversations with God can highlight areas in our lives that are in need of improvement- and sometimes filtering. So, it might be time to replace that air filter- and it might be time for some repentance.

Keep moving

I went hiking with a group of friends recently on a mountain I hadn’t been to before. The trail wasn’t steep at all- but the hike was long. After about an hour or so we turned around a bend and the trees opened up to show us an incredible view. We were at the top! It was such a mild slope that I hadn’t realized how high we had climbed. That feels like life sometimes huh? Maybe you’re in a difficult season of life. You feel like you’re getting nowhere no matter how long you’ve been on this journey. But maybe you aren’t as far from the summit as you think. This is the part of your journey God is using for a purpose. Trust that God has a plan for your life and keep moving.

Coram Deo

Someone wisely once said, “Dream like you’ll live forever. Live like you’ll die today.” That might sound intense but it’s great advice; The question is- HOW do you live each day with that degree of meaning, focus and purpose? Have you ever heard or read the Latin phrase, “Coram Deo?” Coram Deo refers to something that takes place in the presence of God, or before the face of God. The theologian, R.C. Sproul says, “To live Coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.” I like that! To live before the face of God. To live like that definitely sounds like a way to dream like you’ll live forever, and live like you’ll die today. So, go and make the most of today!

Discipleship Group

If you’ve attended church for a while- what do you picture when you hear “Discipleship Group”? Is it a group of people who meet once a week with pizza and a specific curriculum? In Christ, discipleship is people leading each other towards Christ. It’s accountability, praying for each other and bearing each other’s burdens. You may already be a part of a group like this without knowing! Maybe you have a close group of friends who text each other all day. Mostly ridiculous memes and jokes. But maybe it’s time for you to be the one to step out and discuss something more serious. Ask for prayer for something you’re going through. Chances are everyone else needs the same thing. Walk with each other spiritually and hold each other up. This is discipleship at its best.

Breath Prayers

If you’re anything like me, my days can get so busy- before I’ve realized it, I’ve been stressed about something all day- and never paused to pray about it! On days like these when you feel like you can barely catch your breath- my advice to you is to just- pray. You thought I was going to say breathe didn’t you? Well- you’ll do that too. A breath prayer is a simple way to interact with God for just a moment. Some believe breath prayers have been around since the early church. They are short, simple praises or requests coinciding with a nice, deep breath. Maybe it’s just, “Dear God, give me strength. Or, “Please give my family peace in this hard time.” The truth is, what you say has less importance than the posture in which you say it. So, the next time you feel like the day and your stress-level is getting away from you, pause, breathe, and pray.

Body double

Think of the last really good action movie you saw. The car chases, the crazy parkour moves, the fight scenes… Chances are, the actors you know aren’t actually doing these stunts themselves. Instead, movies rely on body doubles to make these crazy stunts happen safely. A body double is similar in height and appearance- wears the same clothes and even learns to walk the same way as the actor they are imitating. Likewise, as Christians- we are to be the “body double” of Christ on earth. As we learn of His character in scripture, we learn how to imitate His behavior to a world in desperate need of Christ-like love.


It’s no secret that poor posture will eventually result in preventable back pain. Our neck muscles tighten, and we start holding a lot of stress in our shoulders too. We simply “forget” to stop slouching and to sit upright. So, a company has created a small gadget that you clip onto your shirt. It analyzes spinal positions and buzzes when your posture needs to be corrected. That’s crazy right?! But just as we can get lazy with our physical posture, we can do the very same thing spiritually. Let this message be a reminder – Psalm 84:11 says, “No good thing will God withhold from those who walk uprightly.” So, sit and walk uprightly. No more slouching. And keep both your back and your soul in alignment.


In a study of 37 cultures around the world, 16,000 people were asked about their most desired traits in a mate. Out of all the responses, the first preference was kindness. Above looks, wealth, or intelligence! Kindness is a deep-seated human value and is considered a virtue in most cultures and religions. Part of the biblical definition of kindness includes usefulness, making it clear that being kind involves action. 1st John 3:18 says, “Let’s stop just saying we love each other; let’s really show it by our actions.” Random acts of kindness have become popular as spontaneous actions focused on encouraging others. What can you do today to put kindness into action?

Painting a Ceiling

It’s been over 500 years since the great artist, Michelangelo painted his famous frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. But did you know that when he was first asked to undertake the project, he didn’t want the job? He thought it was beneath him! And yet, this incredible work ended up being his biggest legacy and most famous work of his career. Sometimes opportunities come to us disguised as projects that we’d rather not waste our time with. But in Jeremiah 29:11 God says this to us, “I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” You might be facing an opportunity that, on the surface- is beneath you. But we must always remember that God may have a bigger and better plan.

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