Set Apart

At this very moment, you may be enjoying your favorite Christian fast food, in your Christian car, while driving to your Christian job. And while many of these things we praise God for having the freedom to enjoy; have we left the world behind in pursuit of a life only surrounded by quote, “Christian” things and other Christian people? While we, like the apostle Paul said he was, are “set apart” for the Gospel of God; does being set apart mean that we step aside and lose all connection to the outside world? As believers, we are here to be the light in a dark place. We are here to introduce people to Jesus and to be the omnipresence of our Father through our loving actions toward our neighbors. To do this effectively, we’re going to have to get outside of the walls of the church. Enjoy your favorite Christian music, but don’t forget to show love to your atheist neighbor while you’re at it.

Live Life to the Brim

Life is short. It’s far too short to waste. Remember when you were a kid and a year or two felt like an eternity? Now it feels like with every year I get older, time speeds up faster and faster. Before you know it, God willing, you’ll be in your sixties, looking back at your life. You may have grown children of your own by that point who will think you’re old and you’ll wonder how the days passed by so quickly. Don’t waste your time. Savor every moment. Be brave; Chase your dreams. God has placed them in your heart for a reason. Get as much as you can out of every day. Live life to the brim.

Few Battles Are Won Alone

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that, “God helps those who help themselves.” You may be surprised to learn that nowhere in the Bible does that appear. In fact, God doesn’t want you to be a solely independent spirit. God often sends others into our lives to be of great help to us- and… us to them. In the Bible, Paul had to depend on others to lower him in a basket to escape outside the city wall. And I imagine it must have been tough for Paul to find enough humility to depend on others. Maybe you have a hard time asking for help. But, God rarely asks us to fly solo. You can depend on others, and more importantly, you can depend on Him!

Unhealthy Decisions

When a medical test result indicates something’s wrong, our doctor will often have a serious discussion with us to figure out what behaviors may be contributing to the illness. Then, based on their knowledge and experience, they’ll make some suggestions and give us a guideline to follow moving forward. In this discussion, a good doctor isn’t casting judgment on the patient. They’re simply warning of what could happen if we continue down this path. As the body of Christ- there will be times when a fellow believer might need such a discussion. But, have these discussions with grace and love. As Galatians 6 in the Message says- “If someone falls into sin, forgivingly restore him, saving your critical comments for yourself.”

We Have Work to do

Imagine getting hired for a job. You show up on day one and have nothing to do. There are no instructions, no guidance. You just stand around all day until 5 o’clock rolls around. You might think the management has no idea what they’re doing. In our Christian walk, God has prepared work for us to do. And our job isn’t to sit in church aimlessly but to get outside the walls of the church and be His hands and feet. So, use your gifts to make an impact in this world. 1st Peter, chapter 4 says; “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” Being a follower of Christ isn’t a passive life. This world needs you!

Eating Right

You can eat processed foods, candy, fake food—but not forever without consequences. One of my favorite sayings- “There’s no food in that food” LOL. And especially for kids, there’s no nutrition to help them grow. The Bible talks about theology that doesn’t help someone grow in Christ. Paul wrote, “But I am afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ. For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, you put up with it readily enough”. So, don’t accept junk food theology. Dive into His word and know the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.


One of the most hopeful and scariest parts of parenting is knowing that your kids will imitate what they see you do. When your kids are sweet and thoughtful toward others around them, it’s rewarding to take credit for your impeccable parenting skills. We get a little dose of humility, however, when we hear them say something cringeworthy that sounds just like us. Children imitate what they see. Because we’re God’s children, Paul encourages us to imitate Christ’s love and humility to the world around us. So, when you read the Word of God, watch Jesus’ response in so many difficult situations and go do likewise.


All too often, in this fast-paced world, we miss the things that are just out of our focus.. In the Bible, we see Jesus walking into a new city surrounded by a crowd of people. But, He intentionally stops and takes notice of a man named Zacchaeus, who had climbed a tree to get a better view of Him. Jesus looked up and told him to come down because they were going to have a meal together. This one encounter changed the life of this man. Is there someone on your periphery that you’ve been too busy to notice? Your attention to them could make all the difference in the world.

Keep Your Flame Alive

If you’ve been to several weddings, I’m sure by now you’ve seen the candle ceremony or something like it. The bride and groom each have a candle of their own as they light a larger one together. The clear symbolism is two people becoming one in the eyes of God. But an important part of this ceremony is to remember to keep your own candle lit. Because while the couple is coming together in marriage it’s important to not lose who God created you individually to be. If you’re newly married, or soon will be, remember this illustration. As you figure out what life looks like and who you’ll be as a couple, don’t forget to be yourself. Afterall- that’s the person your future spouse fell in love with in the first place.

Looking Ahead

In the Bible, we find these words written by the Apostle Paul, “…Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us up to heaven.” Look. Life can be full of hiccups, setbacks, disappointments and mistakes. It’s part of being human. But are you dwelling on past mistakes or are you allowing God to heal, help you learn from them, and continuing the race ahead? We all have painful memories. But take this message from Paul and learn to look forward to what God has in store for you today.

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