Shabbat Meeting - Acts 3:12-26 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Hebrews 9:11-15 - The Messiah, Our High Priest of the Good Things to Come
From Hebrews 9:11-15, in the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), Brother Gideon Levytam explains how the Lord Jesus, the Messiah, became the great High Priest of the good things to come. Yeshua offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins, was raised from the dead, and ascended into heaven (Psalm 110:1). He entered God’s presence through the value of His own blood—not through the blood of bulls and goats—in order to obtain eternal redemption for all who trust in Him. Yeshua offered Himself as a spotless sacrifice to God, purging our conscience from dead works, which cannot provide salvation. Jesus, the Messiah, became the mediator of the promised New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31). Through His death and resurrection, all who trust in Him receive an eternal inheritance.
Shabbat Meeting - Acts 3:1-10 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on January 25, 2025.
Romans 3:1-8 - The Privilege and Accountability of the Jewish People
From Chapter 3:1-8 of the study of the Book of Romans (אֶל־הָרוֹמִיִּים), Brother Gideon Levytam continues with Paul’s instructions regarding God’s righteousness in relation to the Jewish people. In the final verse of Chapter 2, Paul explains that a true and complete Jew is not only one who is born a Jew physically but also one who is born again spiritually through faith in Jesus, the Messiah. He then expounds on the privilege and advantages the Jewish people have, as they were entrusted with the law and God’s word, making them more accountable to submit to God’s righteousness rather than their own. If some of the Jewish people did not believe in Yeshua, the promised Messiah, it does not mean that God is unrighteous. On the contrary, it demonstrates that those who are privileged bear the same responsibility to submit to God’s righteousness as those who are not.
Shabbat Meeting - Acts 2:42-47 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on January 18, 2025.
Malachi 2:10-16 - Why Do We Deal Treacherously Against One Another?
From the study on the Book of Malachi (מַלְאָכִֽי), chapter 2:10-16, brother Gideon Levytam relays the prophet Malachi's challenge to his erring people, for their wrong doings. Malachi asked, do not all of us have one father, did not God create us, why do we deal treacherously every one against his brother, profaning the covenant of our fathers? The prophet continues his charge against those who had violated God’s Word, by marrying those who rejected the LORD and trusted in idols. God will discipline His disobedient people, and while the people covered the altar of the LORD with tears, weeping, and crying, because of their sins, God could not receive their offerings until they had repented. Malachi also charged those who had divorced their wives, because the LORD, who instituted marriage, hates divorce. God desires His people to live godly lives, and to raise families that would seek to follow after Him.
Shabbat Meeting - Acts 2:37-47 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on January 11, 2024.
Hebrews 9:1-10 - The Tabernacle as a Foreshadow of the Messiah
From chapter 9:1-10 on the study of the Book of Hebrews (אֶל־הָעִבְרִים), brother Gideon Levytam explains the limitations of the earthly Tabernacle in approaching God. The earthly Tabernacle along with all of its ordinances was given to Israel by God under the Mosaic covenant,, as a picture of the way to approach Him. The sacrifices which were offered could never provide a perfect conscience, because external, outward, and carnal ordinances cannot ease the needs of the conscience. Therefore, in His wisdom and foreknowledge, God, using the earthly Tabernacle, pointed His people to the person of the Messiah. Who would come, and through His death and resurrection, become the final sacrifice for sins.
Shabbat Meeting - Acts 2:25-36 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on January 4, 2024.
Romans 2:17-29 - The Heart of Circumcision
From Chapter 2:17-29 of the study of the Book of Romans (אֶל־הָרוֹמִיִּים), brother Gideon Levytam continues with Paul’s instruction regarding God’s dealing with sinful humanity. In these verses Paul directs our attention to the privileges and the responsibilities that his people Israel have towards God, who gave them His Holy Law, the Torah. God gave His Law to the jewish people, and therefore, they are more responsible than the gentiles who had not received God’s Holy Law. Through His Law, God sought to bring about an inward change in the heart of His people Israel, causing them to recognize their weakness and cling to Him for mercy, grace, and forgiveness. By having circumcised hearts, Israel could be an example, and a light to the people of the world who were in darkness.
Shabbat Meeting - Acts 2:22-36 (מַעֲשֵׂי הַשְּׁלִיחִים)
Live stream of the Holy Scriptures and Israel Shabbat Meeting with Gideon Levytam on December 28, 2024.