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Praying in Faith, Part 2

Prayer is more powerful than we believe. It can lead to the restoration of people and the transformation of situations. So often we doubt that prayer achieves anything, but James calls us to pray with faith.

Praying in Faith, Part 1

Prayer is more powerful than we believe. It can lead to the restoration of people and the transformation of situations. So often we doubt that prayer achieves anything, but James calls us to pray with faith.

Living in Light of the Lord’s Return, Part 2

The coming of the Lord should drive us to godliness. For the rich who live indulgently and oppress the poor, James calls for repentance. For the believers who are suffering, he calls for steadfast endurance. Are we living in the light of the Lord’s return—and is that prospect driving us to repentance and godly living?

Living in Light of the Lord’s Return, Part 1

The coming of the Lord should drive us to godliness. For the rich who live indulgently and oppress the poor, James calls for repentance. For the believers who are suffering, he calls for steadfast endurance. Are we living in the light of the Lord’s return—and is that prospect driving us to repentance and godly living?

Speaking in Humility and Faith, Part 2

We are so prone to arrogant speech—in judging one another and in speaking of our future plans. James reminds us that God is the Judge of our neighbour, and he is sovereign over the future. Such boasting is evil, and we do well to learn humility.

Speaking in Humility and Faith, Part 1

We are so prone to arrogant speech—in judging one another and in speaking of our future plans. James reminds us that God is the Judge of our neighbour, and he is sovereign over the future. Such boasting is evil, and we do well to learn humility.

Choosing the Right Friendship, Part 2

We must decide whether we will be friends with the world or friends with God. We cannot be both. God’s Spirit demands our affection and loyalty. If we will submit ourselves to God and draw near to him, he will draw near to us.

Choosing the Right Friendship, Part 1

We must decide whether we will be friends with the world or friends with God. We cannot be both. God’s Spirit demands our affection and loyalty. If we will submit ourselves to God and draw near to him, he will draw near to us.

Wisdom From Above, Part 2

In a society of disorder and discord, we desperately need the wisdom that comes from above. God’s wisdom is pure and peaceable, and will lead to meek conduct, the fruit of godliness, and peace in relationships. James urges us not simply to pursue God’s wisdom, but to show it by our good conduct.

Wisdom From Above, Part 1

In a society of disorder and discord, we desperately need the wisdom that comes from above. God’s wisdom is pure and peaceable, and will lead to meek conduct, the fruit of godliness, and peace in relationships. James urges us not simply to pursue God’s wisdom, but to show it by our good conduct.

The Power of The Tongue, Part 2

Although the human tongue is a small thing, it is immensely powerful. James highlights for us the power and the danger of the tongue, and he challenges us to exercise self-control. More than that, he urges us to consider the inconsistency of our speech: we can so easily use our tongue both to bless and to curse. And James challenges us that this ought not to be so.

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