Seen and Proclaimed, Part 1

What are angels and what do they do? Pastor Colin talks about the ministry of angels in the Bible.

Born and Risen, Part 2

Being intelligent is a great advantage in life, but it gives you no advantage whatsoever when it comes to knowing God. Pastor Colin talks about how you can know God.

Born and Risen, Part 1

You can become a more godly person through the Christmas story. Pastor Colin talks about the relationship between seeing the glory of Jesus and becoming more holy.

The Open Secret of a Godly Life, Part 2

The secret to living a godly life does not lie in some technique, program, or discipline. Pastor Colin shows that it is possible to live a godly life through Jesus Christ.

The Open Secret of a Godly Life, Part 1

You can fulfill the purpose for which God made you and live the life to which He is calling you. Pastor Colin talks about what “godliness” is.

Jesus Offers Life to His People, Part 2

The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is good news. But it’s an unfinished story, that is, until all that Christ accomplished becomes yours. Pastor Colin talks about how this can happen for you.

Jesus Offers Life to His People, Part 1

Has anyone ever said to you: “Well, that’s just your interpretation!” Christian faith is not based on personal interpretation, it’s based on God’s explanation.

Jesus Suffered Under the Judgment of God, Part 2

As soon as you understand the gospel, you’ll be asking: “Does this mean we can live any way we want… and get away with it?” Pastor Colin says, “If you’re asking this question, it means you’re on the right track.”

Jesus Suffered Under the Judgment of God, Part 1

You know what happened at the cross, but do you know why it happened? Pastor Colin talks about seven explanations the Bible gives for what was happening at the cross.

Jesus Suffered at the Hands of His Enemies, Part 2

Have you ever reflected on the sufferings of Jesus? The Bible tells us that doing this will help us not to grow weary or to lose heart. Pastor Colin talks about how to get started.

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