Repentance, Part 2
More than half of all people in the world today believe that we can save ourselves by worship, service, and prayer. Pastor Colin talks about how God feels about this strategy, and what He has to say about it.
Repentance, Part 1
For the first time in your life, you have a sense that there really is a thing called “sin” and it’s in you. You know you need to do something about it. But what? How do you get right with God? Pastor Colin talks about the default response of the human heart to this question.
Rebellion, Part 2
What’s it like to be a rebel child of God? Pastor Colin looks at what happened to the children of God in Israel who rebelled against him.
Rebellion, Part 1
God gave you a son or a daughter. You loved them, and you raised them, but now your son or daughter has rebelled against you. Pastor Colin reminds you why you cannot be a better father than God.
With Peace, Part 2
There are 3 things you need to know in order to have peace in your own life, and to bring peace to others. Pastor Colin talks about the important place of the justice of God.
With Peace, Part 1
If we ditch our belief in God’s wrath, we end up further away from peace, not closer. Pastor Colin explains why… in his 6 observations about the wrath of God.
With Humility, Part 2
What will happen if you open the Bible with a truly humble heart? Pastor Colin tells the story of a theologian who spent 40 years filtering the Bible through his own worldview, before he had a change of heart.
With Humility, Part 1
What keeps us from living together in harmony in our world today? Pastor Colin talks about 2 kinds of pride.
With Generosity, Part 2
How can you bless someone who doesn’t deserve it, or who is very unlikely to return your blessing? Pastor Colin explains that the secret to this kind of generosity lies in the crucifixion.
With Generosity, Part 1
A generous life has three dimensions. Pastor Colin shows that these dimensions reflect the incarnation, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Christ.