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Moses’ Kind Of Prayer - Numbers 14:15-20

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Why Don't Baptists & Evangelicals Observe Lent? LIVE Q&A, Mar 20 w/ David Guzik

Welcome to the weekly live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. After our lead question, Pastor David takes questions via the live chat - simply add your questions & our moderator will arrange & deliver them to Pastor David according to theme or subject! This week, Pastor David's Q&A begins with this question from viewer Nathaniel, who asks: ”Pastor David, as charismatic / evangelical, I’ve been curious why our tradition doesn’t collectively observe Lent in the way some other Christian denominations do. As a season of fasting and reflection, it seems to aligns with our understanding of faith and Scripture. Is there a history or reason behind this? Love the Enduring Word commentary, I use it all the time! Blessings” Resources: For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit: Download the Enduring Word app! iPhone: Android: This week's questions: 0:00 Greetings & Intro Lead Question Then onto your questions! #biblestudy #christianity #jesus #bible #christian #pastor

Live Communion Stream! LIVE Q&A, Apr 10 w/ David Guzik

Welcome to a special live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. In this live stream, Pastor David will lead us in a "virtual" communion. In addition to taking the sacraments, Pastor David will answer some communion-related questions, and any others we may have time for. Whether you're at home or on the go, we invite you to participate as we share in this sacred moment together. Grab your bread and juice, and let’s prepare our hearts for this powerful act of remembrance. Resources: For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit: Download the Enduring Word app! iPhone: Android: This week's questions: 0:00 Greetings & Intro 2:08 Lead Question #biblestudy #christianity #jesus #bible #christian #pastor

Church History - Episode 59: Scholasticism | Pastor Lance Ralston

In episode 59 of his Church History series, Pastor Lance takes us on an exploration of the fascinating relationship between Faith and Reason — a central theme in Christian thought — as seen through the lens of the Scholastics of the Middle Ages. This video delves into the legacy of key figures like Anselm of Canterbury, the founder of Scholasticism, and Thomas Aquinas, who sought to reconcile Christian doctrine with human reason. Learn how the medieval cathedrals, universities, and figures like Peter Abelard and Gerbert of Rheims shaped the intellectual and theological landscape of the Middle Ages. We also dive into the epic story of Anselm's conflicts with English kings and his lasting influence on Christian theology. Let us know in the comments! For extensive commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages, visit the Enduring Word website: Download the Enduring Word app today! iPhone: Android: Watch the full Church History series playlist here: Pastor Lance Ralston founded and lead-pastored Calvary Chapel Oxnard, California for nearly 40 years. In addition to serving on the Executive Board for Enduring Word, he is an author, holds a Master's degree in Biblical Studies and Ministry, and leads the Communio Sanctorum podcast, which delivers engaging & scholarly journeys into Church History without the slant of Academia. Discover more at: Communio Sanctorum: Pastor Lance's channel: @INTOHISIMAGE ⛪️ CC Oxnard: Read Enduring Word's new devotional, thinkpiece, and Christian living blog authored by renowned pastors and Bible teachers: #bible #christian #faith #churchhistory #asceticism #history #medievalhistory #middleages #christianhistory #christianity


This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.


This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Unbelief’s Disguise - Numbers 13:27-31

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

Wisdom's Beginning & Call – Proverbs 1

Welcome to Pastor David Guzik's first video in an in-depth study of the book of Proverbs. Throughout this series, Pastor David exposits through a full chapter of scripture with you - verse by verse, point by point. Each part in this detailed series culminates by highlighting some of the many ways each chapter parallels or points to the majesty and mission of Christ Jesus. What are your thoughts on this portion of scripture? Read David Guzik's written commentary on Proverbs chapter 1: Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages: Download the free Enduring Word app today! iPhone: Android: Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM GMT) Submit your own timestamps via the comment section for a chance to have them incorporated into the video itself. #biblestudy #enduringword #bible #proverbs #jesus #oldtestament

Unbelief’s Disguise - Numbers 13:27-31

This is a daily devotional by Pastor David Guzik. Enduring Words for Troubled Times.

How Do We “Take Every Thought Captive”? LIVE Q&A, Mar 13 w/ David Guzik

Welcome to the weekly live Q&A with Pastor David Guzik, author of the Enduring Word Bible commentary. After our lead question, Pastor David takes questions via the live chat - simply add your questions & our moderator will arrange & deliver them to Pastor David according to theme or subject! This week, Pastor David's Q&A begins with this question from viewer Kate, who asks: "I've heard this verse in 2 Corinthians 10:5 a lot, but what does it actually mean for our daily lives? How can we actively take our thoughts captive when we're bombarded by sinful temptations or distractions?" 2 Corinthians 10:5 Resources: For Pastor David's commentary on the entire Bible, in 12+ languages, visit: Download the Enduring Word app! iPhone: Android: This week's questions: Greetings & Intro Lead Question #biblestudy #christianity #jesus #bible #christian #pastor

How Is It That You Have No Faith? — Mark 4:35-41

Welcome to Pastor David Guzik's audio-only teaching series through the Gospel of Mark! Follow along in an in-depth study of the good news according to Mark, a vital account of the mission and work of Christ Jesus. Throughout this series, Pastor David exposits through a portion of scripture with you - verse by verse, point by point. What are your thoughts on this portion of scripture? Read David Guzik's written commentary on Mark chapter 4: Pastor David's free commentary on the entire Bible, in 10+ languages: Download the free Enduring Word app today! iPhone: Android: Join Pastor David every Thursday for a Question & Answer live stream right here on YouTube! (12PM Pacific, 3PM Eastern, 7PM GMT) Submit your own timestamps via the comment section for a chance to have them incorporated into the video itself. #biblestudy #enduringword #bible #gospelofmark #jesus #newtestament

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