Lesson 499: The Cover-up Conspiracy (Matthew 28:9-15; Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-19)

The evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ is clear, powerful, and undeniable. And it is convincing to all who humbly trust God’s Word. It is denied and resisted by unbelievers only because they do not want to believe it. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 498: Now Comes the Good Part! (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark 16:1-8; Luke 24:1-12; John 20:1-10)

Jesus’ followers were traumatized by His death and not at all anticipating His resurrection. On the Sunday after His crucifixion, the Lord began to gradually enlighten these shocked followers with evidence they could not ignore—Jesus was alive! ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 497: Sealed Inside a Garden Tomb (Matthew 27:57-66; Mark 15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56)

God is always at work—in good times and bad times—providentially moving all things to His ultimate, desired end. As Jesus was taken down from the cross and placed in a tomb, God was simply preparing the way for His ultimate triumph. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 496: Was Jesus Crucified on Thursday or Friday? (Matthew 28:1; Mark 15:42-43; John 19:30-31)

God’s eternal plan is perfect, and it is unveiled in history according to His perfect timing, as Jesus’ crucifixion demonstrates. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 495: It Is Finished (Matthew 27:46-56; Mark 15:34-41; Luke 23:45-49; John 19:28-30)

The agony Jesus Christ suffered is almost unimaginable. But He endured it all to complete the work of salvation so that we can rest in His perfect, completed work, not trust in our own futile efforts to find acceptance with God. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 494: Unexpected Words from a Dying Man (Matthew 27:45; Mark 15:33; Luke 23.34a, 39-44)

Even extreme personal suffering could not distract Jesus from meeting the needs of others. As He hung on the cross, He showed concern for His executioners, a dying criminal, and His mother. Jesus is the ultimate example of a life lived for others. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 493: Bridge Building on a Rugged Cross (Matthew 27:33-44; Mark 15:22-32; Luke 23:33, 34b-38)

There is nothing we can suffer that Jesus Christ cannot understand. Indeed, everything He suffered was for us. He can fully sympathize with any and every pain, disappointment, and injustice and can minister to our needs as no one else can. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 492: The Via Dolorosa (Matthew 27:27-32; Mark 15:16-21; Luke 23:26-32; John 19:16b-17a)

The sad portrait of Jesus we see as He is led to the place of crucifixion calls not for our pity but for our amazement, our adoration, and our gratitude for the one who suffered all this willingly for us. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 491: A Tragic Miscarriage of Justice (Matthew 27:24-26; Mark 15:15; Luke 23:23-25)

The pressures of this world are unrelenting, urging us to compromise, to choose our interests over the Lord Jesus and God’s will. We must prepare for the onslaught and stand true to Christ. To do otherwise is to repeat Pilate’s injustice. ... Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1

Lesson 490: The Release of a Death Row Inmate (Matthew 27:2, 11-23; Mark 15:1-14; Luke 23:1-22)

It is shocking to think that people in Jesus’ day would prefer a criminal over the Lord. But people have not changed, so we should not be appalled that the one we most cherish is the one the world most hates. Stephen Davey is teaching through the Bible with a new lesson each weekday. Watch episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/v1yx-2eg5NQ?sub_confirmation=1 ...

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