When Everything Seems Against You
Commitment is measured by perseverance. One who is truly committed to the Lord will persevere in faithfully following the Lord through much discouragement, opposition, and discomfort. The apostle Paul’s example challenges us to greater commitment.
A Model for Ministry
We cannot be effective servants of God if we do not humbly acknowledge our need for Him, guard our relationship with Him, and become careful students of His Word. Paul's example is a model and inspiration to us.
Changing the World, the Right Way
As Christians, our works should be a shining example to others. But it is only the gospel of Jesus Christ that can change lives, destinies, and even cultures.
The Value of Teamwork
Effective ministry involves teamwork. Paul is known as the greatest missionary of the early church, but Paul did not work alone. He had the assistance and support of a growing network of fellow workers.
Introducing the "Unknown God"
We should never be intimidated by the arguments or actions of people who oppose the gospel of Christ. Such responses come only from people; the truth we proclaim comes from God. When we faithfully speak His Word, He will use it for His glory.
The First Church in Europe
When we are committed to following the Lord by faith, we will face new challenges but also new opportunities and new people to whom we can minister. And through it all, we will see the grace of God at work. These truths are highlighted in Acts 16.
Decisions, Disagreements, and a Second Chance
Disagreements can be very difficult, but they can also clarify issues for us and even open new avenues of service. Acts 15 describes two significant disagreements within the early church--one involves a doctrinal issue and the other a ministry issue.
Difficulty and Dependency Go Hand in Hand
While sharing the gospel with those who desperately need to hear it is God-honoring and rewarding, it can also be dangerous. This is why we need to depend on the Lord and remind ourselves that serving Him is not about our comfort but about His glory.
The Disappearance of Preaching
There can be no substitute for the forthright, faithful proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul's sermon in Acts 13 is the standard for what our message to the world should be, and it is centered on the death and resurrection of Christ.
Three Characteristics Missing in the Church Today
Where there is consistent obedience to the Lord and proclaiming His gospel, there is always opposition. And behind all opposition to the gospel is Satan. We need the wisdom of God's Word to recognize his attacks and the boldness of God's Spirit to respond properly.