A Warning and a Promise
Jesus Christ is coming back. For those of us who know Him as our Savior, that is a glorious prospect. For those who do not know Him, His return means judgment has arrived. How important it is to know where we stand in relationship to Him.
Ready and Waiting
What we anticipate in the future will have a great impact on our present. To look forward to Christ's return is not to grow lazy and unconcerned but to be diligent in serving the Lord now.
A Conversation about the End Times
People long to know what the future holds. What they really need is to know the one who holds the future. The Bible reveals everything we need to know about the future and assures us that God’s eternal plan will be worked out in His providence and according to His will.
The Final Sermon of Jesus
Jesus’ strongest condemnation was reserved for religious leaders and teachers. This is a reminder that if those who teach others are leading them away from Jesus Christ rather than to Him, they are actively engaging in evil. They should be exposed and sternly rebuked.
Son of David ... Son of God
Simply put, what God requires of us as we live in this world is to love God and love others. We can do neither until we first settle the question of who Jesus Christ is.
Trick Questions and Brilliant Answers
Jesus never allowed Himself to become distracted from His mission and message. Even as He neared His arrest and crucifixion and was warding off attempts to discredit Him, He kept the focus on the call to follow Him and submit to God’s Word.
The King's Banquet Invitation
Beliefs have consequences, and so does unbelief. The persistent rejection of God’s message, God's messengers, and Israel's Messiah would have devastating effects on both the nation of Israel and all those who continued in unbelief.
When Winning Is More Important than Truth
To those who love themselves and hate God, the truth is an uncomfortable obstacle they would like to destroy. And this means they must attempt to destroy Jesus Christ, who embodies the truth.
The Only Way to Live
As Jesus' time on earth is growing short, He is intent on alerting people that their time is short. Now is the time to believe in Him; and now is the time for those who do believe in Him to openly confess Him and follow Him.
Cleaning His Father's House ... Again!
Prayer was central to Jesus' life and ministry, so it is certainly a need in our lives. In the last week before His crucifixion, Jesus devoted a unique miracle to teaching, not only a sobering truth about Israel, but also a critical truth about prayer.