Great Financial Challenges #1
What are our families greatest financial challenges today?
Why are so many facing not only credit card debt, but other financial obligations beyond their ability to sustain?
Not Repaying Debt
Scripture has direct council on debt. One should . . .
Proverbs 31 Generosity
Family teaching time on finances includes generosity. We work, provide for our families, and are generous with others.
Teaching Children
Teaching our children about finances is more important than ever today. Work and earn, no debt, be . . .
Family Talk
Families often shy away from talking about finances with their children. Consider this . . .
Investment Talk
Would you like to have an interesting talk about investing with your middle schoolers and high schoolers in your family?
Money Talk
One reason financial literacy is lacking is that we rarely talk about money. Family talk? Is money in our conversations?
Ponzi Schemes
A few decades ago, an elaborate Ponzi scheme was exposed. Seemingly a good investment, folks were . . .
Fraudsters And Isolation
One lonely woman in a retirement center accepted calls from a . . .