Forgiveness helps us focus on the joys of this season rather than its challenges. So how about it?
Remember this season of sparkle and stuff, that God looks on the inside and so should we. Why?
We’re including grocery advice in our Christmas suggestions. Why? Because . . .
What are wise ways to keep the food bill down for the holidays?
Are you giving a gift to make up for not getting something right in a relationship this past year?
Don’t take on debt to show love. Setting that good example is a valuable gift to your child.
Why not write out some very specific Bible verses with God’s promises that address some matters that are very specific to their life?
Have you listed the gifts you need to buy?
What would happen if you took 15 minutes each day to make a list of what you need to accomplish?
Why consider sorting a bit and taking donations to a donation center?
Early December is a good time to plan carefully and put in place gifts to those ministries you value.
I’m saddened by seeing my friends seeking legal advice, being charged and not knowing what they can expect from that lawyer. This is unnecessary.
At a recent Wise Women Managing Money conference, Valerie and I were asked, “Where do I begin?” A young woman eager to learn needed a first step.
It’s easy to coast, but trouble lies ahead. Here’s a suggestion. Answer the question: ‘Why?’ What matters to me in the long run?
What do you value?
If you’re going through a rough patch in life, a transition that requires change, your finances can be worrisome.