Loving Your Family

Do you love your family? Do you believe I Timothy 5: 8?

Men And Women 1

Men and women are different when it comes to saving money. And there’s another difference. When . . .

The Power Of Being Consistent

Anyone can save and accumulate, but consistency matters. Why?

Money Reveals

Tony Robbins, an author on wealth and motivation states it this way, “Money does not change people, it just magnifies who they already are.” So what matters to you?

Giving With No Income

Folks fall on hard times. No income, days, even months of simply trying to survive. Tithing may be impossible. How can you give when you have no income?

Blessing Of Giving

Jesus stated that it is more blessed to give than receive. Acts 20: 35. Just how generous are we?

Filling The Void

What happens when we don’t fill that God sized hole in our hearts with God?

Why Accumulate

The wealthy barn builder in Luke 12 had a motive: to take life easy, eat, drink and be merry. Why was that not a good thing?

Perspective On Stuff

Our culture encourages mass consumption. Consider the size of your childhood clothes closet compared with today's. Perspective on stuff. This is important!

Groceries And Cash

A great tool for mastering your budget is cash not credit card. How so? Listen to Miriam and Valerie provide some money saving insights on this edition of "Wise Women Managing Money".

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