Budget Killers 2

Most of us want to give to Kingdom purposes. Our national family statistic says we give 2.5 % of our income to charitable purposes. Tweaking our budget can increase that.

Budget Killers 1

Budget gurus suggest that food be 14 % of your budget. Dave Ramsey gives a range. 5--15%

Grocery Budget

Every family has grocery expenses. Whether single or a large household, this consistent necessity impacts what funds are available for other things. Act like a b . . .

Caring For Treasures

Your dollar, actually God’s dollar on loan to you is your power to vote for what is important to you. It’s more than just that dollar you spend.

Financial Distractions

Colossians 4: 5 tells us to make the best use of our time. Email which can be our time saving friend, can keep us from doing that.

Discount Stores

Scripture repeatedly tells us to be wise with money God entrusts to us. That means embracing discount stores. Right? Beware . . .


Frugality – it’s how to get ahead. Spend less than you bring in. Period. Does buying on sale help?


Just as in biblical times, Scripture says pay attention to the condition of your flocks, in today’s terms it’s pay attention to where your money is going.

Health Insurance Costs

Two sure things are death and taxes. Add a third: increasing . . .

Thinking Ahead

We know the primary message is to be prepared for Jesus’ return. But this also talks of looking ahead. Are we serving well, stewarding well?

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