Financial Advisors

Women and money are in the news. One financial news source reports that a major asset management group is suffering an outflow of investments. Women are moving their money from this investment firm.

Finances In Marriage 3

Shared values in marriage are great glue and unity when finances are strained. As newlyweds on a getaway weekend, Bob and I talked about children and life. We discovered . . .

Finances In Marriage 2

Unity in marriage with finances starts with shared values. It’s vital that both acknowledge that it’s all God’s, money, living space, surplus, on loan for us to steward. When husband and wife don’t share this value, . . .

Finances In Marriage 1

Finances are one of the greatest sources of disagreement in marriage. It is high on the list of reasons for divorce. Let’s talk about unity in finances.

Taxes And Giving

We know that money given to nonprofits and charities is better utilized, more efficient, than money to the government for similar services provided.

Monitor Your Budget

"What areas are going up and what down?"

Storing Stuff 2

Storing is to be ________ and for a good reason.

Storing Stuff 1

What do you value?

Financial Uncertainty

Financial uncertainty is a great fear prompter. That’s human. The result?

Biblical Principles And Wealth

Many who grow their financial competence have read The Millionaire Mind. Here are some common characteristics.

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