My360 Helper

Money And Aging

Age changes things. Like it or not, our ability to manage complex tasks may decline with age, and financial tasks are complex.

Money And Single Women

Most of the women in the United States are single. Never married, divorced, or widowed. The single woman who . . .

Credit Reports

An increasingly important gage of your financial foundation is your credit report. That report assigns you a number based on whether you pay bills on time, carry debt, past bankruptcies. Does that matter?

Money Worries

The average worker spends 150 hours a year worrying about . . .


I recently heard a new word to me: frenemy. It describes . . .

Debts Impact

Did you know that some jobs are closed to those with debt?

Impoverished Neighborhood Scams

Sadly there are predators in impoverished neighborhoods.

Poverties Cost

Debt is a greedy beast. True for rich and poor alike. What are the hazards of debt?

Market Vulnerability

No one predicts accurately the markets fluctuations. Yes, there’s a predictable trend.

Credit Card Fraud Prevention

I discovered my NEW credit card which I got due to being hacked, was also hacked within days. I’m embarrassed to say, “My fault.”

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