Christmas - Cash Not Credit
Make A Christmas Budget
Can I give this with gratitude and joy? Am I honoring God with my financial choices during this season?
Pause In Financial Mess
When we face financial difficulties, a natural reaction is to want to fix the problem immediately.
Mathare Valley
Are you challenged or even discouraged by your financial reality today?
Financial Competency
Every person single or married needs to be financially competent. Consider this. You need . . .
Changing Money Realities
Financial realities are fluctuating. From inflation to work changes, it all affects our finances. When life gets bumpy, money often becomes a dreaded word.
Women And Finances 2
Do you have money to manage? Whether a small amount or large, you have an opportunity to vote your values with that dollar.
Women And Finances 1
Research shows that women are becoming increasingly powerful in our economy controlling wealth, often earning more than their spouses, and making more retirement decisions.
Financial Advisors
Women and money are in the news. One financial news source reports that a major asset management group is suffering an outflow of investments. Women are moving their money from this investment firm.
Finances In Marriage 3
Shared values in marriage are great glue and unity when finances are strained. As newlyweds on a getaway weekend, Bob and I talked about children and life. We discovered . . .
Finances In Marriage 2
Unity in marriage with finances starts with shared values. It’s vital that both acknowledge that it’s all God’s, money, living space, surplus, on loan for us to steward. When husband and wife don’t share this value, . . .