Harmful To Your Spiritual Health

Our Teacher, John Mathews, delves into Matthew 23 and discusses the theme "harmful to your spiritual health." Jesus confronts the hypocrisy of the scribes, Pharisees, and religious leaders of His time.

Trick Questions and Perfect Answers

In Mission 66, Our Teacher, John Mathews, explores Matthew 22, focusing on the theme “trick questions and perfect answers.”

Welcomed, Yet Rejected

On this edition of Mission 66, Our Teacher, John Mathews, discusses Matthew chapter 21, with the theme “welcomed, yet rejected.” Jesus enters Jerusalem, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies, notably from Zechariah 9:9, as he rides humbly on a donkey, symbolizing peace.

The Cost of Non-Discipleship

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, explore Matthew Chapters 19 and 20 under the theme "The Cost of Non-Discipleship." These chapters address the serious issue of wealth and its potential to become a barrier to following Jesus.

Faithful to the End

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, navigate the complex and often misunderstood topic of marriage and divorce as presented in Matthew Chapter 19. The theme "Faithful to the End" encapsulates Jesus' teachings on the sanctity and endurance of marriage.

Strength in Humility

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, delve into Matthew Chapter 18, where Jesus teaches about "Strength in Humility." Jesus uses a child to illustrate that greatness in the kingdom of heaven is marked by humility and child-like faith.

A Mission from Another World

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, explore Matthew Chapter 17 with the theme "A Mission from Another World." This chapter showcases the Transfiguration, a pivotal event where Jesus reveals His divine glory to Peter, James, and John.

From Galilee to the World

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, examine Matthew Chapters 15 and 16 under the theme "From Galilee to the World." In these chapters, Jesus continues to perform miracles and teach, but faces increasing opposition from religious leaders.

Seeing Yet Unbelieving

Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, delve into Matthew Chapter 14, focusing on the theme "Seeing Yet Unbelieving." Despite Jesus performing incredible miracles, such as feeding the five thousand and walking on water, many witnesses remain skeptical of His true identity.

An Illustrated Kingdom

In this episode of Mission 66, Esther and our teacher, John Mathews, explore Matthew Chapter 13, which is filled with Jesus' parables. The theme is "An Illustrated Kingdom," where Jesus uses parables to convey deep spiritual truths about the kingdom of heaven.

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