To Marry or Not to Marry is the Question – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re challenged to think beyond ourselves. This marks the conclusion of our series … Straight Talk on Singleness, Sex, and Marriage. And as we wrap up this intensely personal set of messages, Mark will give us some pointers on how we can have a greater impact for God … no matter what our marital status is.

To Marry or Not to Marry is the Question – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains why our culture is so confused … when it comes to the subject of marriage. Many people say that love is based on your feelings … or on happiness. And there’s even a famous song that repeatedly reminds us that “All You Need is Love” … but is that really true? Is love the only thing we need? Or is there something else that’s essential for a marriage to succeed? Mark has called this one … To Marry or Not to Marry is the Question. And it’s from our current series… Straight Talk on Singleness, Sex, and Marriage.

Being Content No Matter Who You Married – Part 2

oday on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe encourages us to remain content… no matter whowe’re married to. Over the last two weeks, we’ve enjoyed a provocative new series calledStraight Talk on Singleness, Sex and Marriage. In this edition of the program, we’respecifically addressing those unique cases when a husband or wife becomes restless …and convinced they might be linked to the wrong partner. We’ll be turning to FirstCorinthians 7 to present a message called, Being Content No Matter Who You Married.

Being Content No Matter Who You Married – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how we can be content with our spouse no matter the status of our marriage. Last time, we looked at First Corinthians 7 to see Paul's explicit instructions regarding intimacy within marriage. Today, Mark will help us find encouragement for those times when we're struggling in our marriages … and some rules for those who are already divorced or separated in a message titled, Being Content No Matter Who You Married.

God’s Rules for Sexuality in Marriage – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, a very sensitive topic … we're talking about God's plan for sexual expression in marriage. While God has called some people to be satisfied singles … He's also called married people to oneness with their spouses. We'll learn how we can find healthy intimacy … God's way. Our message is based on First Corinthians 7, verse 5, and it's called, God's Rules for Sexuality in Marriage.

God’s Rules for Sexuality in Marriage – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we're talking about God's ground rules for sex in marriage. We are continuing our new series called, Straight Talk on Singleness, Sex, and Marriage. Mark has been addressing some sensitive and controversial topics … and today's no exception! With a culture that ultimately values personal pleasure over self-control, he actually turn that notion of selfishness on its head. When we put God first and then our spouse, we find more happiness and contentment than in any other scenario. Join us in this important study in First Corinthians with today's message called, God's Rules for Sexuality in Marriage.

Why Purity is Such a Big Deal – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe reminds us that what we do with our bodies … matters to God as we step back in time to read the apostle Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth. We’re in a new series that Pastor Mark titled, Straight Talk on Singleness, Sex, and Marriage. And in First Corinthians, chapter 6, verses 12 through 20 … we’re going to learn Why Purity is Such a Big Deal to God.

Why Purity is Such a Big Deal – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand the biblical case for sexual purity. These two words carry heavy implications in our day … sexual purity. Two simple words … yet, they seem to ignite so much contention and controversy. As we continue our series called, Straight Talk … we’re going to hear Mark explain Why Purity is Such a Big Deal to God. Our culture says that if we have an urge, we need to satisfy it. Immediately. But we need to understand that our bodies belong to God.

Relationships That Will Sink You

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe asks whether your relationships are lifting you up … or pulling you down? We are in the middle of an important series called Straight Talk … that deals with some of the most sensitive and relevant issues of our lives. Some people have made it a life-long pattern of getting involved with relationships that drag them down instead of lifting them up. So, how do we cultivate healthy relationships and keep the other ones at a distance? Pastor Mark will tackle those questions in his message titled, Relationships That Will Sink You.

Living for God in an X-Rated Society - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand how to live for God … in our sex-saturated society. The New Testament word for “church” is “ekklesia,” which means “called-out one.” And in our current study, we’re learning what it means to cultivate a community of believers that is committed to following God’s plan for singleness, sex, and marriage. Pastor Mark begins our study in First Corinthians 5 … presenting a message titled, Living for God in an X-Rated Society.

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