The Habit of Prayer - Part 1

"Jesus didn't teach His disciples how to preach, but how to pray."

The King is Coming! - Part 2

How should we live under the Kingship of Jesus since He is a different kind of king?

The King is Coming! - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, a special message for Good Friday and the preparation for Easter.This is Good Friday, which means Easter is coming on Sunday ... and so today, Pastor Mark Jobe is going to be helping set the scene describing the lead up to Jesus’ arrival in Jerusalem, and the preparation for His ultimate sacrifice, which was done for us. It is titled… The King is Coming!

How to Survive a Test - Part 2

When life gets tough, and our faith is challenged, Pastor Mark Jobe is encouraging us to persevere and grow. This is part 2 of a Bold Steps message about going into the hard places, testing your faith and the challenge to persevere. It was given to the student body at a recent chapel service on the campus of Moody Bible Institute and we’re happy to be able to share it with you as well. Join us in James 1 for the conclusion of How To Survive a Test.

How to Survive a Test - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Mark Jobe says your faith is going to be tested … but through that testing is the potential for something great.We are heading inside a recent Chapel Service gathering held here on the campus of MBI to hear a message he gave to the student body at the start of a new academic school year on the testing of our faith. Students come from a wide variety of places, states, countries, family situations… all to pursue understanding the Bible and their place in the world. One thing they all have in common… a tough and challenging road ahead. Crisis of Faith. A Goal of this message to encourage you to build a foundation, kick the tires of your faith, and use the pressure to prepare you for the future.

Breaking The Slump – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to break the slump we’re in. As Christians we have a tendency to believe that following Jesus will make our lives more comfortable. And so, when that doesn’t happen, we often revert back to our old ways of doing things. Mark is going to be walking us through Psalm 100 … and showing us how we can turn things around in part two of his message, Breaking the Slump.

Breaking The Slump – Part 1

2024Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to move forward …even when it’s difficult. Have you ever been in a season where you’re not fully engaged? You’re stuck and not operating with the energy you normally have? In many circles, we call that season … a valley. Sports teams and athletes need coaching all the time to motivate them out of slumps they find themselves in and it’s no different for you and me.That’s the subject of today’s message from Mark Jobe and it starts now …

Where Is Jesus? – Part 2

When life seems to be falling apart, do you ever wonder … Where is Jesus? That’s the topic today, on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. It’s no secret that life isn’t always comfortable… in fact sometimes, it seems downright unbearable. When we lose someone we love, or face a major setback in our life plans … we can find ourselves turning to God,expecting … or even demanding a miracle. But what does the Bible teach us about hard times? And Where is Jesus when things seem to be falling apart? Well, that’s exactly what we’re discussing as we join our Bible teacher, Mark Jobe for today’s important lesson.

Where Is Jesus? – Part 1

When life gets hard, and we go through painful times … Pastor Mark Jobe reminds us we’ve got to look beyond our circumstances, and seek God’s bigger picture. We’re under two weeks away from Resurrection Sunday, where churches will be filled with many people who typically aren’t there the rest of the year. But whether you’re a regular church-goer or a stranger to the pews, there’s one question that almost all of us have asked when we’re going through hard times ... Where is Jesus? Or where was Jesus when I needed Him the most? That’s the subject Pastor Mark Jobe will be tackling on today’s Bold Steps message, and it’s a powerful one.

To Marry or Not to Marry is the Question – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re challenged to think beyond ourselves. This marks the conclusion of our series … Straight Talk on Singleness, Sex, and Marriage. And as we wrap up this intensely personal set of messages, Mark will give us some pointers on how we can have a greater impact for God … no matter what our marital status is.

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