Moving Forward Under Attack – Part 2
Ever feel like your spiritual progress is under siege? Today on BOLD STEPS, Mark Jobe reveals strategies for overcoming opposition in your faith journey. Just as military generals plan for battle, we must prepare for spiritual warfare. Uncover how to protect vulnerable areas in your life while pursuing God's call. Don't let setbacks grind your growth to a halt.
Moving Forward Under Attack – Part 1
You’ve begun the work rebuilding a critical part of your spiritual life that God has called you to. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be all smooth sailing. There will be discouragements and opposition along the way. Pastor Mark Jobe helps us get ready for it with some Bold Steps. We’re in Nehemiah chapter 4 in our continuing series Rebuild: Your Life, Your City, Your Word.
Starting Right - Part 2
You can’t rebuild anything significant by yourself. You need others. You need help. You also need to know which voices to listen to. Pastor Mark Jobe has more… on Starting Right… today on Bold Steps. We’re in Nehemiah chapter 2 learning how to Start Right. Mark is walking us through the steps to rebuild from the ruins… and that includes having the right people around you AND having clear goals of what you are trying to become, where you need to change and who you want to be.
Starting Right - Part 1
Are you in a season where you have to rebuild your life because you started out wrong or made some bad choices along the way? Today, Pastor Mark Jobe has some Bold Steps to help with Starting Right. We’re in a month-long verse-by-verse study in the book of Nehemiah and we’re at the point where he has been given the go-ahead and is contemplating the first step in the rebuilding process. All of us own at least one shirt with buttons on the front. What happens when the first button is put into the wrong hole and we button our shirt? ALL of the buttons are then in the wrong holes! That first step (button) dictates how all other steps will be aligned. It’s the same way in any rebuilding process and we can learn a lot from Nehemiah on the topic.
The Hand of God - Part 2
Your story is a preparation for your present. We need to be ready for open doors with a plan, but also knowing there will be opposition. Today on Bold Steps, more from the bold leadership of Nehemiah. We’re all about Rebuilding in our current series as we continue our study of the leadership of Nehemiah. As the story unfolds and we compare his job with our own rebuilding efforts, we might not be restoring a whole city, but there’s so much we can draw from when we look at the choices and decisions he made in preparation that applies to our lives today.
The Hand of God - Part 1
Sometimes we see something that needs to be done, and we can immediately jump into the work quickly without asking God: “is this Your timing?” Today, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about the Hand of God in the rebuilding process on Bold Steps. We’ve heard it before… timing is everything. Nehemiah had a burden, something that gripped his soul. He knew he had to act, but there was a patience there as well. We can jump in too quickly… but there are steps to take while we wait for the proper time. The title of the message today is, “The Hand of God” and our guide is Nehemiah 2.
Owning the Ruins – Part 2
Did you know that there is a difference between a mere concern and a calling? More Bold Steps from the life of Nehemiah is coming up today. We are continuing our study of the fascinating life of Nehemiah. His heart was stirred for the destroyed city of Jerusalem and he became burdened to do something about it. He just wasn’t sure what… or how. There’s much to learn about the process he went through with God to discover those next steps. Today, Pastor Mark Jobe picks things up in Part 2 of Owning The Ruins and what it means to act on a heart that is burdened to rebuild.
Owning the Ruins – Part 1
What happens when God moves in our heart to deal with an old problem? Today, Pastor Mark Jobe explains what it means to own the ruins in your spiritual life on Bold Steps. We’re currently studying the Old Testament prophet Nehemiah—it’s all about Restoring vision, reviving hearts and rebuilding churches and cities Even in the face such a big-sounding task, we have the blueprint and an example in Nehemiah of how to do it right. It all starts with “owning the ruins”. We need to act when God moves in our hearts and we have a success story to follow.
Restoring the Wayward Heart – Part 2
The restoring of a wayward heart begins by recognizing and then giving back to God those things that once belonged to him. Today on Bold Steps. we pick up where Pastor Mark Jobe left off last time in our introduction and timeline leading up to Nehemiah’s entrance into bible history. God put a stirring in his heart to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. The first step? … offering back to God that which once was His. That’s where we start today in Part 2 of “restoring the wayward heart”.
Restoring the Wayward Heart – Part 1
Have you allowed the zeal and presence of God to be torn down? Today, Pastor Mark Jobe speaks to the great need for renewal and rebuilding of your spiritual life. It’s one of our goals to help people renew and restore their relationships back to God. It’s where the name of our program comes from—BOLD STEPS—making those big choices to do what is necessary to re-connect with God and get back on track with Him… which is why we’re excited about the new series that starts today: RENEWAL: Your Life, Your City, Your World. Pastor Mark Jobe will be teaching from the books of Ezra and Nehemiah with some practical lessons on the topic of following the Holy Spirit’s call toward restoration.