The Holiness of God – Part 2

Have you ever tried to hide pain, and simply act like it wasn’t there … like everything was fine? Today, Pastor Mark Jobe invites us out of our caves, and into the light in part 2 of the message, the Holiness of God. It’s from our series, Deeper-Beyond Shallow Spirituality where we’re in 2 Chronicles chapter 26.

The Holiness of God – Part 1

2024Comfort isn’t a bad thing … but when it stops us from wanting to grow, especially in our faith … Pastor Mark Jobe explains, that’s a problem. Today we’re starting a series of messages that get to the heart of what our hope is mission at Bold Steps … and that is challenging our listeners to GO DEEPER in their faith and understanding of God. And that means getting into the deep end of spirituality.

Blessed Are the Merciful – Part 2

Forgiveness isn’t easy … but the blessings it brings are always worth it! That’s what we’re discovering today on Bold Steps. We’re reaching the end of our series called … The Pursuit of Happiness … by diving into a lesson about the blessings and power we unlock through forgiveness. Pastor Mark Jobe is unpacking the biblical parable of the King who showed mercy and forgiveness to a man with an impossibly high debt.

Blessed Are the Merciful – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe begins a lesson about the surprising power of forgiveness. When was the last time you heard someone say, I forgive you … and really mean it? With all the tensions and growing divides we see around us, it seems that showing mercy and forgiveness has simply gone out of fashion. Jesus has a lot to say on this in His Sermon on the Mount, and Mark is going to unpack this in one of His famous parables.

The Habits of Peacemakers – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to be the spiritual peacemakers our world so desperately needs. We’re diving into part two of a timely lesson all about The Habits of Peacemakers. It seems everywhere we look the world is breaking in two,demanding us to take a side and double down in the fight. But as Christians, we’re recipients of the limitless grace and peace of God … and it’s our responsibility to help share that with the world.

The Habits of Peacemakers – Part 1

In an age full of rage and division, Pastor Mark Jobe shares the biblical calling to be peace-makers … today on Bold Steps. We really do live in a world that’s increasingly divided and contentious … and as the tensions continue heating up, we need peacemakers more than ever! Here on the program, we’ve been looking at the beatitudes of Jesus, and today Mark is going to underscore that much-needed characteristic of being a peacemaker.

The Power of Choices – Part 3

We all want to be happy … and today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe discusses the biblical path to genuine happiness. Last time on the program Mark began a series on what the Bible teaches about finding true happiness. And as we began looking into the Psalms,we came to realize just how impactful our choices can be. What we choose to focus on and who we choose to spend time with can have major consequences on our experience of joy.As Mark continues with the third part of this lesson on The Power of Choices, we’ll focus on our thinking and how what we focus on determines how we see the world and ultimately our attitude toward it.

The Power of Choices – Part 2

Making wise choices in our pursuit of happiness … that’s the discussion, today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. You know, the choices we make in this life can have serious consequences … but unfortunately, we don’t always take our choices all that seriously. We go off our feelings, our gut … or sometimes we simply follow the advice of people we really shouldn’t be following. It’s amazing how some of the biggest choices in life receive the smallest considerations… We’re digging deeper into Scripture to find God’s advice on how to make the right choices in our pursuit of happiness.

The Power of Choices – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe helps us discover how the choices we make help us find true happiness. We’re continuing our study on the pursuit of happiness, digging into Scripture to better understand what happiness really is, and where to find it. We’re going to see that many times, our choices have a major impact on whether or not we find the happiness we’re seeking. If you say that happiness seems to allude you, Psalm 1 may help you. It is a powerful teaching about how our choices can lead us to finding joy again.

How to Attract Happiness – Part 2

We all want to be happy … so what does the Bible say about finding true happiness? Find out today on Bold Steps Pastor Mark Jobe. We have been learning the surprising key to unlocking true happiness. It isn’t more money, more fame, or more freedoms … in fact, it isn’t more of anything. Instead, happiness, according to the Bible, is found through something Jesus describes as being “poor in spirit.” It requires a humble understanding that everything we want is ultimately found in the goodness of God … not our own works.

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