Do You Know Who We Are? – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll learn how knowing who you are in Christ gives you a sense of purpose and value. As followers of Jesus, we should be actively searching for our God-given purpose. We’ll be in first Peter chapter 2 where the author preaches about sitting idly by, waiting for things to happen. Listen today to hear the first point: how identity speaks to our value.

Confidence: Living with Certainty - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, we move forward in our series called, Rise … Live Your Best Life Yet.Pastor Mark Jobe teaches us how confidence comes from knowing who God has called us to be and our confidence grows from having a sense of purpose. Join us in First Samuel chapter 30 as we learn more about, Living with Certainty.

Confidence: Living with Certainty

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe explains how you can find your life’s calling. Over the past few days, we’ve been looking at two biblical kings, David and Saul, and contrasting their potential and opportunities. David started to rise because he allowed God to use his Passion and Courage for His purposes. Join us as we learn about a third quality … Confidence and living with purpose.

Forward in the Face of Fear – Part 2

When challenged by a fearful situation, how courageous are you? Do you keep your eyes on the people around you? Or, do you focus your attention on God? Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’re learning how to courageously trust God in the face of fear. Join us as we continue our series called, Rise—Live Your Best Life Yet.

Forward in the Face of Fear – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe … we’re being reminded not to let fear and anxiety take control and what it means to be courageous. Over the past few days, we’ve been contrasting the lives of Saul and David. Courage is what separated the destinies of these two men. Join us as we hear how courage is what’s needed to move you forward in your spiritual life

Passion - Part 3

Today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe, we’ll discover how God’s bigger picture becomes clearer as you raise your passion level for Him. But while that passion will be tested, it will also lead you to amazing ventures. We’re turning to the book of First Samuel, chapter 16 as we learn how to Rise: Live Our Best Life Yet.

Passion - Part 2

How many times have you done something seemingly insignificant only to learn later that you changed the life of someone else? Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe we continue our study on passion by learning about God’s command to Samuel. When we obey God with the small things … they often turn into big things! Join us for this next part of our series called, Rise: Live Your Best Life Yet.

Passion - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe challenges us to rise above the difficulties and trust God as we begin a new series called, Rise: Live Your Best Life Yet. Your best life will not happen by accident and you will have to be intentional. Join us as we compare and contrast David and Saul and how their attitudes made all the difference.

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call: Laodicea – Part 2

Have you ever felt the sting of a missed opportunity? Today on Bold Steps Pastor Mark Jobe is calling us to wake up before it’s too late. In this final message of our series, Your Spiritual Wake Up Call, we’re taking a closer look at the warning God gave to the church at Laodicea.God speaks to us in the book of Revelation on how to recognize and act on the warning lights flashing in our own spiritual lives.

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call: Laodicea – Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe sounds the alarm on lukewarm faith. In Revelation 3God reveals the things that the 7 Churches were doing right and what they were doing wrong.The church at Laodicea had a big problem and He compared their spirituality to the condition of their water... warm and bland. Join us as we begin a 2-part series called Your Spiritual Wake Up Call.

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