The Church at Sardis – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe gives powerful insight on how to deepen your relationship with Christ. He continues the lesson from Revelation chapter 3. Through the prophet John, God confronts the Church of Sardis, one of the 7 churches in the region. Sardis looked good on the outside but beneath the surface they were spiritually dead. Pastor MarkJobe outlines 5 commands found in Revelation 3 to confront our own spiritual deadness.

The Church at Sardis – Part 1

If you want to start a lively debate, start talking about the end times. Today on Bold Steps, we open the book of Revelation, the authority on the end times. Revelation is filled with prophecy and mystery which God uses to speak to us right now. The author of Revelation, John, writes to the 7 churches in Asia, from the Island of Patmos. These churches represent the types and conditions of churches through all generations. Hear Pastor Mark Jobe teach from Revelation and the “NEED to be ready”.

Prayer 101 - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shares a pivotal lesson on what authentic prayer really looks like from part two of a message titles "Prayer 101".

Prayer 101 - Part 1

We've all heard it many times, did Jesus give us the Lord's Prayer only to recite it or is there more to His words? Today we are talking about prayer in our Bold Steps series "Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality. For many people prayer feels like an obstacle to overcome; it has to be memorized or eloquent. Many people repeat the Lord;s pray3er as a meaningless string of words, but Jesus gave us a pattern. Learn more in today's message from Pastor Mark Jobe on "Bold Steps".

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps we ask the questions "Is God your primary passion in this life?" "Are you living fully on mission for His Kingdom?" Pastor Mark Jobe continues the study of Ephesus, the "Loveless Church". The church at Ephesus was commended for their love 30 years before, but something changed. What happened?

Your Spiritual Wake Up Call - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe pushes us deeper in our connection with God, with a spiritual wakeup call. We begin a study in Revelation chapter 2, a letter written to 1 of the 7 churches at the time, the church at Ephesus.

Repentance - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps ... Pastor Mark Jobe helps us understand the true meaning of what it means to REPENT, as we continue our study Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality. Mark will teach the 5 effects of unconfessed sins that can hinder us from giving our whole heart to God. If you have a Bible handy, we’ll meet you in Psalm 51.

Repentance - Part 1

Has true repentance been a stumbling block in your walk with God? We’re unpacking that possibility today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. Psalm 51 is one of the most powerful passages in all of scripture. We have a snapshot in the life of David as a pivotal moment when he is processing not only being sorry, but truly repentant. There is a difference! Join us in our series, Deeper: Beyond Shallow Spirituality.

Denial In the Heart - Part 2

Denial In the Heart - Part 1

If you’ve ever owned a vehicle, you probably know that dreaded feeling of seeing the yellow warning light pop up on your display. No matter how un-welcomed or untimely that light may be, the truth is it’s there to help protect from something worse happening.Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has an important lesson about adhering to the spiritual warning signs of God. Join us in 2nd Samuel as we look at the danger of distractions and the deceit of our dark side and how to NOT ignore the signs in our life that can derail us.

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