Streams in the Desert - Part 2

Do you ever feel stuck in life … as though you’re stranded in a spiritual desert? Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to move out of the desert and into the place God has called us. We all know that life can take us through some dry, parched places, but as we’ll see today in our message, Streams in the Desert, praising God for who He is … is not, and should not be dependent upon our circumstances.

Streams in the Desert - Part 1

A heart that is on fire for God is one that will always worship God PASSIONATELY! But the truth is, our hearts can be fickle … and depending on the environment or our circumstances, sometimes we can lose that fire for God. Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe shows us how to keep our heart’s fire burning … in order to awaken a spiritual renewal in the midst of spiritual deserts.

Faith and Failure - Part 2

How many times have you found yourself on a wrong road, or at the wrong place, only to realize later that it was divine appointment? Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe… discover the key to breakthrough and change in our lives. As we begin the last message in our series, Help My Unbelief—Speaking to the Heart of Doubt, we’ll be turning to John,Chapter 4. In these passages, Mark will be outlining how effective ministry … and divine opportunities come when we live our lives on a mission from God. Our message is titled,Faith and Failure.

Faith and Forgiveness - Part 2

2024It’s no secret that forgiveness is a good thing. But according to Scripture … it’s essential!Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’re moving forward with our series called,Help My Unbelief … Speaking to the Heart of Doubt, and discovering that unforgiveness is more harmful to you than the person you’re unwilling to forgive.

Faith and Forgiveness - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll realize the key issues that often hold us back from seeing God’s fullness in our lives. We’re going to be looking at the relationship between Faith and Forgiveness and how it’s a two-way street. Holding a grudge or not forgiving someone can actually affect the way God works in your life, blocking the voice of God and stirring up doubt. Join us for this powerful and practical message based in Mark chapter 11.

I Believe but Help My Unbelief! – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll discover the impact God’s presence can have on a heart that’s struggling with doubt. As we move forward in our new series,Help My Unbelief … Speaking to the Heart of Doubt, we’re going to be turning to the book of Mark, chapter 9 to discover the root of faith and of doubt, and to see how our faith is often tested as we come closer to a spiritual breakthrough.

I Believe but Help My Unbelief! – Part 1

We’ve all had feelings of doubt and uncertainty in our walk with God, and today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe explains why wrestling with your faith can make it stronger.This week as we dive into a new series, we’re going to be speaking directly to the heart of doubt. Questions, concerns, and struggles in your faith are not necessarily a bad thing …in fact, they can even help it grow. Tune in for this message called, I Believe, But Help My Unbelief.

Helping Others Who Are Struggling Spiritually – Part 2

Sometimes, we don’t feel worthy or motivated to help others in their spiritual walk.Perhaps we’ve grown tired or feel too caught up in our own struggles. Today on Bold Steps, Pastor Mark Jobe equips us to be that support, no matter what. Join us as we continue biblical training for how to Help Others Who Are Struggling Spiritually.

Helping Others Who Are Struggling Spiritually – Part 1

Many of us have friends, co-workers and family members who are stuck in a cycle of struggle when it comes to spiritual things. What do we do? How do we help them out?Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe will give us biblical training for how to Help Others Who Are Struggling Spiritually. Mark gives us help as we examine our responsibility when it comes to helping those around us.

Do You Know Who We Are? – Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Mark Jobe … we continue a two-part mini-series called, Do You Know Who We Are? We’ll learn how our identity gives us a sense of belonging and shapes the course of our lives. Our identity points to our purpose, gives us a sense of belonging and shapes our behavior. We’ll dive into those concepts and more as we conclude this encouraging message.

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