Beginning to Listen - Part 2

Have you ever wondered what the voice of God sounds like? Is it a whisper in the wind?Or a thundering shout from the heavens? Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe …we're discovering what it takes to hear God. Last time, Mark started a message titled,Beginning to Listen … which taught us about the proper posture we need to take in order to clearly hear God’s voice. And today, we're continuing this practical lesson in the book of First Samuel.

Beginning to Listen - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps … we're beginning a new study on how to hear God. More than ever,we have a lot of different voices competing for our attention. Politicians, advertisers,entertainers. But there’s only one voice that truly matters … the voice of God. He holds the power to create, to give life, to give direction. And whether you know it or not, God is speaking to us all the time. Find out how to hear Him, today!

A Good News Mindset - Part 3

3Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe explains the powerful impact of a mindset fixed on the Gospel. You’re just in time for a special lesson about how the truth of the Gospel transforms our mindsets … and thus our entire lives. When we fully understand just how life-changing the Good News of Jesus Christ really is … we’re able to help share that gift with others, and fulfill our calling as Christians. Our message is titled A Good News Mindset.

A Good News Mindset - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe, we’ll discover how God’s bigger picture becomes clearer when you begin to raise your passion level for Him. We’re learning how to Rise in order to Live Our Best Life Yet. And while that passion will be tested, it will also lead you to amazing ventures that will stretch and grow you beyond your comfort zone. We’re turning to the book of First Samuel, chapter 16, for a message simply called, Passion.

A Good News Mindset - Part 1

Sometimes this life can seem a little disappointing … but today on Bold Steps, we’re rediscovering the greatest reasons for gratitude. Pastor Mark Jobe is going to explore how having A Good News Mindset can give us a different perspective on the troubles of life, and ultimately our future. Join us in Romans chapter 1 ... as we begin a lesson titled … A Good News Mindset.

God Has a Plan - Part 2

Are you the type of person who looks at the little you have and wonders how it could help anyone? Or do you just feel so overwhelmed by the needs of the world that you tend to push things out of sight, out of mind? Today on Bold Steps... Pastor Mark Jobe will be reminding us that God’s not asking you to solve all of the world’s problems, He’s looking for someone willing to be used for His purposes.

God Has a Plan - Part 1

Today on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe … we’ll discover that no matter how difficult or impossible a situation or circumstance might seem, God always has a plan. Many people are feeling overwhelmed today for a variety of reasons … work, sickness, juggling the kids, our home lives and what we see on the television. But despite what’s going on around us, we’re going to discover that God has a plan.

The Making of a Man - Part 3

2024Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe’s son, Josiah, joins in the teaching of an important lesson about the biblical role … of manhood. They’re unpacking a lesson from 1 Timothy on the 4 ingredients Paul says are necessary in the making of a man. The greatest war of all time is actually taking place in the unseen world right now. As men, we need to know the difference between the fights we should flee, and the “Good Fight” God calls us to. Find out today!

The Making of a Man - Part 2

Today on Bold Steps … Pastor Mark Jobe has an important message about biblical fatherhood, and the making of a man. So far in our special Father’s Day message, we’ve learned just how crucial it is to know your identity is in God. As fathers, we have a pivotal role in teaching and mentoring our children, and making sure they know from a young age who they really are … in the eyes of God. Join us in 1 Timothy for more wisdom on how, as men of God, we need to know what to flee from to escape the snares of the Evil One.

The Making of a Man - Part 1

We’re gearing up for Father’s Day with a special lesson about the power of identity on Bold Steps with Pastor Mark Jobe. This episode features a special message by Mark and his son, Josiah on The Making of a Man. It’s going to be a powerful and vulnerable word from father and son on knowing what to run from, knowing what to run after, and knowing what to fight for.

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