Learn How to Pray
Learn how to pray by . . .
Going to the Next Level
Learn how to get to the next level by . . .
Not Off the Hook!
Why isn't it enough to tell your kids to be like Jesus?
Slipping Backwards
What happens if you slip into neutral in your spiritual progress as a Christian?
What's the Prize?
It starts, but what is the prize?
Mirrors and Windshields
Why is your rear view mirror so small compared to the windshield?
Born Again?
What does it mean to be born again?
Chosing Joy
Who determines your attitude?
More than Enough for Me!
They all have someone, but . . .
More than Enough!
"That won't make you more content." What?
Thank God for
What can/should you thank God today for? Dr. Mark Jobe provides some suggestions in this edition of "Bold Steps Minute".