What Is an Altar?

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how he liked sling shots as a boy. Mark uses the example of how a sling shot works to explain what an altar to God in today's world is.

Building Altars in Today's World

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how you can build altars like Abraham in today's world. Mark does not mean you should be building physical altars like in the Old Testament, but you should be taking time to seek and thank God as representative of building an altar to God. It's remembering to take time to thank God and draw closer to Him through prayer.

The Importance of Abraham

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the importance of studying Abraham in the book of Genesis. Mark refers to him as Mr. Faith. You can learn a lot about faith by studying Abraham.

What Chrisitianity Really Is

Do you think being a Christian is or would be boring? Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark addresses this idea that Christianity is boring or just a bunch of rules to follow. Mark expresses how it can be quite the opposite.

Spliting Christ?

Is it possible to receive just a savior and not also a Lord of your life? Listen to dr. Mark Jobe's clear answer on today's edition of "Bold Steps Minute".

The Light of the World

Jesus was the light of the world, but He is now in heaven. So, what is the light of the world today? Dr. Mark Jobe's answer may surprise you so listen to today's edition of "Bold Steps Moment".

What God is Looking For

Do you understand what God is looking for in today's world? Let Dr. Mark Jobe help you understand in this edition of "Bold Steps Minute".

Needing a Savior

Can Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary really cover your sin? Listen to Dr. Mark Jobe's answer on this episode of "Bold Steps Minute".

The Gospel for All People

Is the Gospel for only a certain type of person? Who is it for?

Soften to Seek

Is it important to like the messenger of the Gospel? If not, what is?

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