Moving Forward

"Sometimes we have to get past the people to get to God." Who is Dr. Mark Jobe referring to? Why would he say such a statement? Learn why in today's edition of "Bold Steps Minute".

Pressing Through

"When they can't, you press through for them." What does Dr. Mark Jobe mean when he makes such a statement? Find out in this "Bold Steps Minute".

Know What it Says

Why not use something other than the Bible in church? Dr. Mark Jobe clearly articulates why not, and why his church will use the Bible in today's "Bold Steps Minute".

Prodigals - a Longing Within

What is it inside a prodigal that beckons to return home?

Let Go!

When we find ourselves trapped, what advice does Dr. Mark Jobe have? Listen to this edition of "Bold Steps Minute" and find out.


The Bible says God doesn't condemn us, but . . .

"Neither do I"

We all need the 2nd chance of God because every single one of us has . . .

God's Grace

Until we begin to understand God's Holiness, we can not begin to understand God's . . .

Unrepentant Sin

How does unrepentant sin affect your prayer life?

How to Experience Emotional Healing

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark addresses healing after forgiveness. You are forgiven by God but you may still be hurting emotionally. In this minute Mark explains how to be emotionally healed.

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