How to Touch the Heart of God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how you can touch the heart of God when you praise Him during the hard times. You praise God when you get the new job, a new baby in the family or a new home, but how often do you praise God when times are tough? A miraculous thing happened when the apostle Paul praised God while being locked in prison. Remember to praise God, even when you're down.

Only God Knows Your Future

Many people who say they believe in God, also go to psychics and follow horoscopes. Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how going to psychics is not of God and those who have, need to repent. Only God knows your future and has the power to change it. He is the creator of you and all that is and by His grace and mercy you can go to Him directly for everything that you need.

Time to Get Baptized

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark says that if you have given your life to Jesus, then you need to get baptized if you have not. It is a public declaration of what you believe in your heart. Acts 22:16 (ESV) says, "And now why do you wait? Rise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name."

True Manhood

Why do women in the church out number men 2 to 1? Are women more spiritual or more devoted? Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark encourages and challenges men to learn and understand their God given positions to be leaders in their home, church, jobs and communities. Mark challenges men to step up and be godly men.

When God Closes a Door [What It Means]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how you make plans but then God closes the door and does not let your plans happen.This is an encouraging message to be reminded that God may close a door, but He will point you in the right direction to move you forward in a better way.

How to Live Like a Domino

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark reminds you that you are not an island. Everything you do and say affects those around you and those who will come after you. Mark teaches how you are more like a domino that is lined up to fall over onto another domino. It is this idea of how you affect other people that should affect how you live your daily life.

God Is In Control [Don't Worry]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how God can turn the bad intentions towards you into good things. You should not worry about those who try to do you wrong, but you should have faith and remember that God is in control and has good plans for your life.

Jeremiah 29:11 [Applying It to Your Life]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 and applying it to your life today. This is a great verse to memorize and remember. It tells you that no matter what you are going through, God has a plan for your life. You just simply have to believe that He does and God will do the rest.

Getting Through Hard Times

Today on Bold Steps Minute, from the book of Genesis, Pastor Mark talks about what got Joseph through his hard times of slavery and imprisonment. You can have the same kind of story as Joseph. God has a purpose and plan for everyone no matter what you have gone through or are going through.

The Way God Works

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about the way God works in regards to the bad things that happen in your life. Mark reminds you that God is good, and everything that comes from Him is good. You may not be able to see what God is doing, but trust in Him and know that He can turn the bad things in your life into good things if you give them over to Him.

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