How to Make Everything Right

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about giving room for God. Mark uses the story of Joseph to show how you must give room for God to make all the wrongs in your life right. You must have faith and let God do what He needs to do to make everything right.

Giving Your Vengeance to God

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how getting revenge for those who do you wrong is not the way to go. You must make room for God to take care of it and not try to vindicate yourself. God will ultimately make things right.

Squeezing Good Out of the Bad

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about how God can take the bad in your life and turn it into good. You have a choice. Are you going to let the bad experiences dictate your life or are you going to let God squeeze the good out of your bad situations?

How to Have God's Disposition

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how some people see things negatively or positively when going through hard times. Mark explains how to think positively by letting God turn your past into a learning experience to mold your present and help you in your future.

Don't Give Up [God Has a Plan]

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark reminds you how God has a purpose and plan for whatever you may be going through. You just need to hold on, keep your faith and don't give up. Because when you least expect it, and at the perfect moment, God opens the door.

God is there!

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about an old childhood game called Marco Polo. The game is a version of hide-and-seek where the person who is "it" yells out "Marco" and those hiding yell out "Polo" to give a hint of where they are. Mark uses the premise of this game to represent how God is with us. It is a reminder that no matter what you are going through, God is there.

God Is at Work in Your Life

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe reminds you how God is answering your prayers even though you can't see it. God is orchestrating amazing things behind the scenes and is always at work to fulfill His plans for your life.

Getting Out of the Waiting Room

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark Jobe talks about how God is always working behind the scenes. You may not be enjoying life right now because you think God has not heard your prayer or you have lost faith. But Pastor Mark wants to remind you that God is at work, and He can quickly turn things around.

How to Care About Other People

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about how Joseph cared about other people at times when he was going through something terrible. When was the last time you cared about someone else and asked them what their dreams are or what God has called them to do? Instead of always focusing on yourself when going through a hard time, Mark is challenging you to be like Joseph and think of others.

Protect Your God Given Dream

Today on Bold Steps Minute, Pastor Mark talks about battling temptation and protecting your God given dream. Mark reminds you to not say "woe is me" when going through difficult times. God has given you a dream for your life and you must deal with protecting that dream by knowing that God has a plan and purpose for that dream. You must get out of the situations that try to take that dream away from you by simply fleeing, and then trust in God to fulfill that dream.

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