Redefining the Win: The Upside Down Concept of Love and Honor

What does it mean to win? A famous American football coach once said, "Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's getting ahead of yourself."[1] (#_ftn1)   [1] (#_ftnref1) Kerr-Dineen, Luke. "The 48 Greatest Quotes about Winning-Roger Staubach" USA Today, Gannett Satellite Information Network, 4 Aug. 2022,

This Is Fearless Love

What do you do when loving wholeheartedly means having your heart broken? 

Essential Words for Every Relationship

When was the last time you said "I'm sorry, please forgive me?  A common lesson in childhood is being taught to apologize. Acknowledging wrongs and promising to try to do better is at the heart of learning, growing, and reconciling with others. But many of us stop apologizing as soon as there's no one forcing us to do it!

This Daily Dialogue Leads to Unforgettable Change

Do you know the secret for growing in understanding the Bible and letting it change you?

When the Pressure’s On...Stand and Wait

The last thing you want to do in an emergency is stand around and wait. But that's exactly what God told someone in trouble to do.

Sabbath: Six Different Ways to Really Rest

Are you too tired to even take a real refreshing break? Discover 6 types of rest commonly forgotten when we’re most exhausted. 

There’s Fresh Strength for You Each Morning

Has there been a time in your life when you really wished you wouldn't wake up the next morning?

Hedging our Bets with God

It starts with disappointment. You prayed as a kid, for a sick pet to get well didn't. When the circumstances God allows aren't what we've wanted, we hedge our bets the next time.

Your Path to Peace When Falsely Accused

God is the only one who perfectly executes vengeance where it's needed.

The Boldest Claim of Jesus

Google "Who was Jesus?" and you'll get more than a billion results in just over half a second.

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